
#  Created by Boyd Multerer on 2021-02-03.
#  Copyright © 2021 Kry10 Limited. All rights reserved.

defmodule Scenic.Primitive.Component do
  @moduledoc """
  Add a child component to a graph.

  When a scene pushes a graph containing a Component to it's ViewPort,
  a new scene, containing the component, is created and added as a child
  to the scene that created it.

  Any events the new component creates are sent up the parent. The parent
  can use functions in the Scenic.Scene module to manage it's children,
  send them messages and such.

  The standard components, such as button, slider, etc. have wrapper functions
  making them very easy to add to a graph. However, if you have a custom
  component you can add it to any graph manually using the add_to_graph

  You typically want to give components an :id. This will be used to identify
  events coming from that components back to your scene.

  import Components  # contains the button helper

    |> button( "Press Me", id: :press_me )
    |> MyComponent.add_to_graph( {"Some data", 123}, id: :my_component )


  use Scenic.Primitive
  alias Scenic.Script
  alias Scenic.Primitive
  alias Scenic.Primitive.Style

  @type t :: {mod :: module, param :: any, name :: atom | String.t()}
  @type styles_t :: [:hidden | :scissor]
  @styles [:hidden, :scissor]

  # longer names use more memory, but have a lower chance of collision.
  # 16 should still have a very very very low chance of collision
  # (16 * 8) = 128 bits of randomness
  @name_length 16

  @main_id Scenic.ViewPort.main_id()

  # ============================================================================
  # data verification and serialization

  @impl Primitive
  @spec validate(
          {mod :: module, param :: any}
          | {mod :: module, param :: any, name :: String.t()}
        ) ::
          {:ok, {mod :: module, param :: any, name :: String.t()}}
          | {:error, String.t()}
  def validate({mod, param}) do
    name =
      |> :crypto.strong_rand_bytes()
      |> Base.url_encode64(padding: false)

    validate({mod, param, name})

  # special case the root

  def validate({@main_id, nil, @main_id}), do: {:ok, {@main_id, nil, @main_id}}

  def validate({mod, param, name})
      when is_atom(mod) and mod != nil and
             (is_pid(name) or is_atom(name) or is_bitstring(name)) and name != nil do
    case mod.validate(param) do
      {:ok, data} -> {:ok, {mod, data, name}}
      err -> err

  def validate(data) do
      #{}Invalid Component specification
      Received: #{inspect(data)}
      The specification for a component is { module, param } or { module, param, name }

      If you do not supply a name, a random string will be chosen for you.#{IO.ANSI.default_color()}

  # --------------------------------------------------------
  # filter and gather styles

  @doc """
  Returns a list of styles recognized by this primitive.
  @impl Primitive
  @spec valid_styles() :: styles :: styles_t()
  def valid_styles(), do: @styles

  # --------------------------------------------------------
  # compiling a component is a special case and is handled in Scenic.Graph.Compiler
  @doc false
  @impl Primitive
  @spec compile(primitive :: Primitive.t(), styles :: Style.t()) :: Script.t()
  def compile(%Primitive{module: __MODULE__}, _styles) do
    raise "compiling a Component is a special case and is handled in Scenic.Graph.Compiler"

  # --------------------------------------------------------
  @doc false
  def default_pin({@main_id, _data, @main_id}, _styles), do: {0, 0}

  def default_pin({module, data, _name}, styles) when is_atom(module) do
    case Kernel.function_exported?(module, :default_pin, 2) do
      true -> module.default_pin(data, styles)
      false -> {0, 0}