# OLED Scenic Driver

This library provides a [Scenic]( driver implementation for [OLED]( thanks to [rpi_fb_capture](

## Setup

*1. Add the dependencies*

def deps do
    {:scenic_driver_oled, "~> 0.1.0"}

*2. Configure the driver*

Passing the configuration for the display...

config :my_app, :viewport, %{
  name: :main_viewport,
  default_scene: {MyApp.Scene.Default, nil},
  size: {128, 64},
  opts: [scale: 1.0],
  drivers: [
      module: OLED.Scenic.Driver,
      opts: [
        display: [
          driver: :ssd1306,
          type: :i2c,
          device: "i2c-1",
          address: 60,
          width: 128,
          height: 32
        dithering: :sierra

... or the display module if you have one (Check the [Basic Setup]( on OLED):

config :my_app, :viewport, %{
  name: :main_viewport,
  default_scene: {MyApp.Scene.Default, nil},
  size: {128, 64},
  opts: [scale: 1.0],
  drivers: [
      module: OLED.Scenic.Driver,
      opts: [
        display: MyApp.MyDisplay,
        dithering: :sierra


## Thanks

Special thanks to [@nerves-training]( where I've seen for the first time approach of use `rp_fb_capture` in [scenic_driver_oled_bonnet]( to implement a Scenic driver.