# Layout-O-Matic

The Layout-O-Matic slices and dices your viewport in 2 easy steps. With the Layout-O-Matic getting web-like layouts is such a breeze.

Layout Engine for [Scenic Framework](

## Installation

{:scenic_layout_o_matic, git: "", tag: "0.1.0"}

## Usage

defmodule MyApp.Scene.Home do
  use Scenic.Scene

  alias Scenic.Graph
  alias Scenic.Layouts.Grid
  alias Scenic.Layouts.Grid.GridBuilder
  alias Scenic.Layouts.Components.AutoLayout, as: Component

  import Scenic.Components

  @viewport :layout_o_matic
            |> Application.get_env(:viewport)
            |> Map.get(:size)

  @grid %GridBuilder{
    grid_template: [{:equal, 2}],
    max_xy: @viewport,
    grid_ids: [:left, :right],
    starting_xy: {0, 0},
    opts: [draw: true]

         |> add_specs_to_graph(Grid.grid(@grid),
           id: :root_grid

  def init(_, opts) do
    list = [

    graph =
      Enum.reduce(list, @graph, fn id, acc ->
        acc |> toggle(false, id: id)

    {:ok, new_graph} = Component.auto_layout(graph, :left_group, list)
    {:ok, opts, push: new_graph}

Simply replace your list of ids and the component or primitive you want generated and watch the Layout-O-Matic do all the work for you.

## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.