# schema_generator

Mix task to generate boilerplate functions on Ecto Schemas

## Installation

Add :schema_generator as a dependency to your project's `mix.exs`:
defp deps do
    {:schema_generator, "~> 0.1", only: [:dev]}

## Use

SchemaGenerator is a command line library used to generate common functions
present on ecto schemas. Currently this is scoped to joining associations,
querying by fields, and a sort function that takes the field and `_asc` or `_desc`
as a string parameter.

The reason for the generator approach is simple: writing boilerplate isn't fun.
A macro approach could do the same thing without code but the slow compilation 
and more active recompilation has a pretty negative affect on developer productivity.

Running the command is pretty simple:

mix ecto.gen.queries path/to/schema.ex

This will generate composable query functions for any non-virtual fields and associations 
defined by the schema. A path can also be provided, which will generate queries for any valid
ecto schema files located in the directories.
Skipping a subset of queries is possible with the options:

--skip-fields - skips generating functions for the fields
--skip-assocs - skips generating functions for the assocs
--skip-sort - skips generating functions for sorting by fields

The lib also attempts to generate a query field for the primary key. If the @primary_key attribute
is present, it will use that. If a field has the primary_key attribute, it will skip generating one,
and if neither are present, it will use `id`, which is overridable by using a `--primary-key #{field}`
option when using the CLI.

### Warning
This library assumes that the files compile properly. Unexpected behavior may occur if the file is an
invalid ecto schema.

Running the CLI should be idempotent, but keeping a version pre-generation in source control is recommended.