# Scrape

An Elixir package to scrape websites. This is an attempt to rewrite
[meteor-scrape]( from scratch,
leveraging the expressiveness and power of Elixir. Current features:

- can handle non-utf-8 sources.
- parse common websites
- parse RSS/Atom feeds

## Installation

Add `scrape` to your mixfile:

{:scrape, "~> 0.1"}

## Usage

# Feed scraping:
Scrape.feed ""

# result (list of items):
    categories: ["mobile advertising", "Mobile", "ad blockers", "Marketing"],
    description: "<p>Advertisers are very [...shortened..."],
    image:   "",
    pubdate: %Timex.DateTime{
      calendar: :gregorian,
      day: 5,
      hour: 22,
      minute: 40,
      month: 11,
      ms: 0,
      second: 33,
      timezone: %Timex.TimezoneInfo{
        abbreviation: "UTC",
        from: :min,
        full_name: "UTC",
        offset_std: 0,
        offset_utc: 0,
        until: :max},
      year: 4015},
    title: "Advertising industry challenged to [...shortened...]",
    url: ""},

# Scrape a website: ""

# Result (basic metadata):
  description: "The latest news and headlines from Montreal and Quebec. Get breaking news, stories and in-depth analysis on business, sports, arts, lifestyle and weather.",
  favicon: "",
  feeds: [""],
  image: "",
  title: "Montreal Gazette",
  url: ""

## License

LGPLv3. Use this library however you want, but I want improvements & bugfixes
to flow back into this package.