# Scribe

Pretty-print tables of Elixir structs and maps. Inspired by [hirb](

## Installation

  1. Add `scribe` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:scribe, "~> 0.1.0"}]

## Usage

Print an array of maps as a table. Header columns are taken from the map keys of the first element.
iex(1)> data = [%{key: "value", another_key: 123}, %{key: "test", another_key: :key}]
iex(2)> Scribe.print(data)
| :another_key | :key    |
| 123          | "value" |
| :key         | "test"  |


Useful for printing results of Ecto queries
# %User{id: nil, email: nil}
results =
  |> limit(5)
  |> Repo.all
  |> Scribe.print

| :id  | :email                           |
| 1240 | ""        |
| 1241 | ""         |
| 1242 | "" |
| 1243 | ""            |
| 1244 | ""          |
