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# Scribe

Pretty-print tables of Elixir structs and maps. Inspired by [hirb](

## Installation

  1. Add `scribe` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
    [{:scribe, "~> 0.4.0"}]

## Usage

Print a list of maps as a table. Header columns are taken from the map keys of the first element.
iex(1)> data = [%{key: "value", another_key: 123}, %{key: "test", another_key: :key}]
iex(2)> Scribe.print(data)
| :another_key                           | :key                           |
| 123                                    | "value"                        |
| :key                                   | "test"                         |


Useful for printing results of Ecto queries
# %User{id: nil, email: nil}
|> limit(5)
|> Repo.all
|> Scribe.print

| :__struct__          | :email                            | :id            |
| User                 | ""         | 5171           |
| User                 | ""        | 4528           |
| User                 | ""        | 1480           |
| User                 | ""         | 2084           |
| User                 | ""           | 6599           |


## Pagination

Scribe uses [pane]( to paginate large tables.
Use with `Scribe.console/2`.

# %User{id: nil, email: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil}
|> limit(5)
|> Repo.all
|> Scribe.console

| :__struct__ | :email                 | :first_name | :id     | :last_name |
| User        | "celestine_satterfield | "Gene"      | 9061    | "Krajcik"  |
| User        | ""  | "Maeve"     | 9865    | "Gerlach"  |
| User        | "" | "Theodora"  | 2262    | "Wunsch"   |
| User        | " | "Oswaldo"   | 4977    | "Simonis"  |
| User        | "caesar_hirthe@reynold | "Arjun"     | 3907    | "Prohaska" |

[1 of 1] (j)next (k)prev (q)quit

## Customizing Tables

`Scribe.print/2` takes a list of of columns on the `:data` options key to
customize output. You can use either the atom key or customize the header
with `{"Custom Title", :key}`.

# %User{id: nil, email: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil}

|> limit(5)
|> Repo.all
|> Scribe.print(data: [{"ID", :id}, :first_name, :last_name])
| "ID"              | :first_name               | :last_name               |
| 9061              | "Gene"                    | "Krajcik"                |
| 9865              | "Maeve"                   | "Gerlach"                |
| 2262              | "Theodora"                | "Wunsch"                 |
| 4977              | "Oswaldo"                 | "Simonis"                |
| 3907              | "Arjun"                   | "Prohaska"               |


### Custom Width

Pass a `:width` option to define the table width.

# %User{id: nil, email: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil}

|> limit(5)
|> Repo.all
|> Scribe.print(data: [{"ID", :id}, :first_name, :last_name], width: 40)
| "ID"    | :first_nam | :last_nam |
| 9061    | "Gene"     | "Krajcik" |
| 9865    | "Maeve"    | "Gerlach" |
| 2262    | "Theodora" | "Wunsch"  |
| 4977    | "Oswaldo"  | "Simonis" |
| 3907    | "Arjun"    | "Prohaska |


### Function Columns

You can specify functions that take the given row's struct or map as its only argument.
# %User{id: nil, email: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil}
results =
  |> limit(5)
  |> Repo.all
  |> Scribe.print(u, [{"ID", :id}, {"Full Name", fn(x) -> "#{x.last_name}, #{x.first_name}" end}])

| "ID"                     | "Full Name"                                  |
| 9061                     | "Krajcik, Gene"                              |
| 9865                     | "Gerlach, Maeve"                             |
| 2262                     | "Wunsch, Theodora"                           |
| 4977                     | "Simonis, Oswaldo"                           |
| 3907                     | "Prohaska, Arjun"                            |
