# Elastic + Scrivener = :heart:

This library adds pagination capabiilties to [Elastic](

## Installation

Add this package to your `mix.exs` `deps` definition:

defp deps do
    {:scrivener_elastic, "~> 1.0.0"},

## Usage

Pagination happens on a per-module basis. Here's an example of a module configured to use both `Elastic.Document.API` and `Scrivener`.

defmodule Scrivener.Elastic.Post do
  @es_index "posts"
  @es_type "post"
  use Elastic.Document.API
  use Scrivener, page_size: 5, max_page_size: 10

  defstruct [:title, :body, :published, :id]


And here's how to do pagination:

alias Scrivener.Elastic.Post

page = Post.search_query(%{}) |> Post.paginate

You can get the documents from Elastic with `page.entries`.

You can pass `paginate` some options like `page_size` and `page` too:

page = Post.search_query(%{}) |> Post.paginate