# Searchex Readme
A full-text search engine written in pure Elixir.
This application is UNDER CONSTRUCTION - not yet ready for use.
## About Searchex
Searchex provides a search capability for full-text documents. Example
document types include:
- text, markdown, XML and JSON files
- source code files
- product descriptions
- blog and forum posts
- chat rooms and twitter feeds
- web pages
## Quick Start
## Searchex Architecture
A Searchex `DOCUMENT` has two key elements:
1. document `META-DATA`, like `title`, `author_name`, `publication_date`
2. the `FULL-TEXT` of the document
Searchex organizes documents into separate `COLLECTIONS`. Each collection has
two main elements:
1. the `CATALOG`, a table-like structure that contains the document ID,
meta-data, and document location.
2. the `INDEX`, an inverted index that is built for fast search and retrieval
Each collection is defined by a `CONFIG` file, a yaml file that specifies
things like:
- document directories
- file types
- meta-data fields definitions and extraction regexes
- document separator regex (for multi-doc files)
## Using Searchex
A `searchex` command-line program can be used to manage config files, catalogs
and indexes, and to perform searches.
There is an API that Elixir developers can use to embed Searchex into their
## Why Erlang/Elixir
Text indexing and search can be incredibly compute intensive, and benefit
massively from the concurrent/distributed capabilities of the BEAM.
# Package Installation
Add `searchex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:searchex, "~> 0.0.1-alpha.2"}]
Then run `mix deps.get`
## Escript Installation
If you have Elixir 1.3+ enter this at the console:
<pre><sub>mix escript.install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andyl/stemex/master/stemex</sub></pre>
## Tab Completion
Get a tab-completion script by typing `searchex completion`
To install: copy this script to `/etc/bash_completion.d` (or equivalent)
$ searchex completion > /etc/bash_completion.d/searchex_completion.bash
$ chmod a+rx /etc/bash_completion.d/searchex_completion.bash
## Comparables and Reference Docs
* <http://blog.equanimity.nl/blog/2011/10/07/a-basic-full-text-search-server-in-erlang/>
* <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195809/is-it-possible-to-develop-a-powerful-web-search-engine-using-erlang-mnesia-ya>
* <https://github.com/tmaciejewski/see>
* <http://himmele.blogspot.com/2011/04/build-your-own-internet-search-engine.html>
## System Overview
The search engine allows the establishment of one or more document collections.
The source data from a document collection is a textual file which cataloged
and indexed by Searchex.
### Documents
## GitHub Source