# SeatJson

Simple API testing DSL for Elixir/Phoenix, with Guardian integration

## Prerequirements
defmodule MyApp.ApiTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: false
  use MyApp.ConnCase
  use SeatJson

## Example
api :get, "/api/test",                                returns: {200, %{"test" => "ok"}} 
api :post, "/api/nonexistent",                        returns: {404, %{}} 
api :post, "/api/test/", [params: %{"test" => "ok"}], returns: {200, %{"test" => "ok"}} 

#### More advanced tests

api :get, "api/for_users_only", [as: :none],    returns: {401, %{}} 
api :get, "api/for_users_only", [as: :default], returns: {200, %{}} 
api :get, "api/for_users_only", [as: :admin],   returns: {200, %{}} 

#### Authenthication example
def insert_new_user(login, password) do
  Database.insert_user(login, password)

@tag call_before: {:insert_new_user, ["login", "password"]}
api :post, "/auth/login", [
  as: :none,
  info: "Allows user to log in",
    "email" => "",
    "password" => "somepassword",
    "password_confirmation" => "somepassword",
    "name" => "Krzysztof Wende",
returns: {200, %{"user" => %{"email" => _, "inserted_at" => _, "name" => _}}} 

## Documentation
### Use SeatJson
use SeatJson
`SeatJson.__using__/1` takes one parameter `auth: fn {tag, auth}`
Where `tag` is whatever atom You'd like to use, and auth is Guardian object
This macro maps to
`Guardian.Plug.sign_in(conn, auth.user, :token, perms: %{default: Guardian.Permissions.available(level)})`
If you don't provide `:auth` you can't use authenthication

###  api/4
macro api(method, url, opts \\ [], returns: match, guards: assertion)

- `method` - HTTP method to use: :get, :post, :put, :delete, :patch etc
- `url` - Realtive or absolute path to use ex: `api/some/path/to/my/project`
- `opts`
  - `paramteres` - Map of parameters passed in body, ex: `%{test: my_api}`
  - `as` - Authenthication level of the api call, default: `:none`
  - `info` - Additional info about the test to be displayed
- `returns` - Tuple of status code and match map of the returned JSON, ex: `{200, %{"success" : true}}` remember that all of the keys must be strings, not atoms. If the map is left blank, the page won't be parsed
- `guards` - Additional checks for the returns, example:
  returns: %{"test" => value},
  guards: value > 10 and value < 20
## Installation

  Add seat_json to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
  [{:seat_json, "~> 0.0.1"}]