# SecretConfig
Upon starting your app SecretConfig will read all the parameters under the configured path and will load them into memory. The reasoning behind this is to limit the amount of API calls to the ssm parameter store by rather doing them against a local GenServer. Actions like push or delete will first update aws ssm and then immediately update the GenServer state.
## Installation
Add to your list of depencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:secret_config, "~> 0.13.0"}
## Configuration
You can set service specific configuration for both `ex_aws_ssm` and `ex_aws` (otherwise it defaults to `us-east-1`)
config :ex_aws, ssm: [
region: "us-west-2"
ExAws requires valid AWS keys in order to work properly. ExAws by default does the equivalent of:
config :ex_aws,
access_key_id: [{:system, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"}, :instance_role],
secret_access_key: [{:system, "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"}, :instance_role]
The above means it will try to resolve credentials in order:
1. It kooks for the AWS standard AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables
2. Resolves credentials with IAM, if running inside ECS and a task role has been assigned it will use it
Otherwise it will fall back to the instance role
See https://github.com/ex-aws/ex_aws and https://github.com/hellogustav/ex_aws_ssm for detailed config docs.
Prepend your env and app_name:
stack =
case config_env() do
:prod -> System.fetch_env!("STACK_NAME")
env -> env
Set up the path to the local yml file (for test and dev)
config :secret_config, file: __DIR__ <> "/secret_config.yml"
If using Docker, you may want to avoid local files so you can use yaml_str instead of file
config :secret_config, yaml_str: File.read!(__DIR__ <> "/secret_config.yml")
SecretConfig supports dev and test environments. It will bypass the aws ssm call and read from a yaml file. It is important this file is created as follows `/secret_config.yml`. Also the env/app_name must match the above config (env/app_name):
pgp_key: test_key
pgp_key: test_key
## Usage:
Pushes to the parameter store, then triggers a refresh of the in-memory state (`no leading /`):
SecretConfig.push("path/key_name/name", "value")
Fetches from the local in-memory state. If you provide a default and the key is not found, it will return its default value:
SecretConfig.fetch("path/key_name/name", "default")
Fetches from the local in-memory state. Raises a runtime error if the key doesn't exist:
Deletes from ssm parameter store and then triggers a refresh of the in-memory state
Triggers a refresh of the in-memory state by pulling the latest from the AWS Parameter Store
## Run Integration test against the AWS Parameter Store:
This runs the integration test which are skipped by default. You must have AWS creds already loaded in the console where the test will be running:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="key"
export BUCKET_NAME=bucket-name
mix test --only ssm_test --seed 0
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