# SecureX

## Installation

If installing from Hex, use the latest version from there:
  # mix.ex

  def deps do
    {:securex, "~> 0.1.0"}
Now You need to add configuration for `securex` in your `config/config.ex`
You need to add Your Repo and User Schema in config.
  # config/config.exs

  config :securex, repo: MyApp.Repo, 
   schema: MyApp.Schema.User
SecureX comes with built-in support for apps. Just create migrations with `mix secure_x.gen.migrate`.
  iex> mix secure_x.gen.migrate
  * creating priv/repo/migrations
  * creating priv/repo/migrations/20211112222439_create_table_roles.exs
  * creating priv/repo/migrations/20211112222439_create_table_resources.exs
  * creating priv/repo/migrations/20211112222439_create_table_permissions.exs
  * creating priv/repo/migrations/20211112222439_create_table_user_roles.exs

The Migrations now added to your project. It will ask you if you want to migrate it as well.
Do you want to run this migration? `y/n`, Press `y` if you want to Migrate.
  iex> "Do you want to run this migration?" #y
  iex> mix ecto.migrate