# SelectoComponents

Tailwind based UI for selecto

Provides main components: SelectoComponents.ViewSelector, SelectoComponents.AggregateTable and SelectoComponents.DetailTable

ViewSelector is a live component that creates a control panel to build a query.

AggregateTable and DetailTable are live compoents to display the results of that query.

See the live views in [selecto_test]( for an example of how to setup. Documentaiton will be added once the API is stabilized.

## Plans for '0.5.0'

- finish various TODOs in the code
- update URL so users can bookmark views
- ability to save view configuration
- special aggregate table, clicking on the group-by will link to the configured detail view with the group-by value applied as a filter
- Forms - line forms & column forms
- cleanup liveviews / refactor
- make it look nice
- cleanup the event handlers
- error handing on view form
- better pagination in detail view, paginate by value, select All

## Plans for later

- generate a token that can be used to generate a specific view, optionally allowing the token holder to access the forms
- Export results, email results, POST/PUT results
- Use a column in the results as email address and send that email address all the rows they are in
- results as XML, JSON, TXT, CSV, PDF, Excel...
- show generated SQL and show Ecto command
- Caching
- Dashboard components - save or code a view and drop it into another page
- graphing
- pub sub to trigger updating view
- infinite scroll
- update to work with improved planned selecto interface

This system is inspired by a system I wrote starting in 2004 and currently has all the features listed above except pub-sub and infinite scroll.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `selecto_components` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:selecto_components, "~> 0.1.0"}


You will need to add alpinejs and Tailwind to your app, and configure tailwind to look at *ex files in selecto_components.

You will need to include a Hook in your app.js for the drag and drop

const PushEventHook = {
  mounted() {
    window.PushEventHook = this
  destroyed() {
    window.PushEventHook = null

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.