# Semantic Release for Elixir

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Mix tasks for installing and running [`semantic-release`]( (and the adapter plugin [`semantic-release-hex`]( in Elixir projects.

> **⚠️ WARNING**
> This is a pre-release version. As such, anything _may_ change
> at any time, the public API _should not_ be considered stable,
> and using a pinned version is _recommended_.

> **Disclaimer**: Because `semantic-release` is written in JavaScript, this package will install Node.js in your `_build/` folder upon running.
> See the [`nodelix` documentation]( for more information on how Node.js is installed.

## Installation

`gpg` must be available in your PATH to verify the signature of Node.js releases.

The package can be installed by adding `semantic_release` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:semantic_release, "1.0.0-alpha.8", only: :dev, runtime: false}

## Configuration

You can list additional npm packages to be passed to the `npm install` command:

config :semantic_release,
  additional_packages: [

This can also be used to override automatically installed package versions:

config :semantic_release,
  additional_packages: [

## Versioning

This project follows the principles of [Semantic Versioning (SemVer)](