# sentry

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Sentry Client for Elixir which provides a simple API to capture exceptions, automatically handle Plug Exceptions and provides a backend for the Elixir Logger.

## Getting Started

To use Sentry with your projects, edit your mix.exs file to add it as a dependency and add the `:sentry` package to your applications:

defp application do
 [applications: [:sentry, :logger]]

defp deps do
  [{:sentry, "~> 1.0"}]

Setup the application environment in your `config/prod.exs`

config :sentry,
  dsn: "",
  tags: %{
    env: "production"

### Capture Exceptions

### Setup with Plug or Phoenix

In your router add the following lines

use Plug.ErrorHandler
use Sentry.Plug

### Capture all Exceptions

Use this if you'd like to capture all Error messages that the Plug handler might not. Simply set `use_error_logger` to true. 

This is based on the Erlang [error_logger](

config :sentry,
  use_error_logger: true


## Configuration
| Key           | Required         | Default      |
| ------------- | -----------------|--------------|
| `dsn` | True  | n/a |
| `environment_name` | False  | `MIX_ENV` |
| `included_environments` | False  | `~w(prod test dev)a` |
| `tags` | False  | `%{}` |
| `release` | False  | None |
| `server_name` | False  | None |
| `use_error_logger` | False  | False |