
defmodule Sentry.Context do
  @moduledoc """
  Provides functionality to store user, tags, extra, and breadcrumbs context when an
  event is reported.

  The contexts will be fetched and merged into the event when it is sent.

  `Sentry.Context` uses Elixir `Logger` metadata to store the context itself.
  This imposes some limitations. The metadata will only exist **within
  the current process**, and the context will disappear when the process
  dies. For example, if you add context inside your controller and an
  error happens in a spawned `Task`, that context will not be included.

  A common use case is to set context when handling requests within Plug or Phoenix
  applications, as each request is its own process, and so any stored context is included
  should an error be reported within that request process. For example:

      # post_controller.ex
      def index(conn, _params) do
        Sentry.Context.set_user_context(%{id: conn.assigns.user_id})
        posts = Blog.list_posts()
        render(conn, "index.html", posts: posts)

  > #### Merging {: .info}
  > The `set_*_context/1` functions **merge** with the
  > existing context rather than entirely overwriting it.

  ## Sentry Documentation

  Sentry itself documents the meaning of the various contexts:

    * [General context interface](
    * [Breadcrumbs interface](
    * [Request context](
    * [User context](


  alias Sentry.{Attachment, Interfaces}

  @typedoc """
  User context.

  See `set_user_context/1`.

  You can use `"{{auto}}"` as the value of `:ip_address` to let Sentry infer the
  IP address (see [the documentation for automatic IP

  Other than the keys specified in the typespec below, all other keys are stored
  as extra information but not specifically processed by Sentry.

  ## Example

        user: %{
          id: "unique_id",
          username: "my_user",
          email: "",
          ip_address: "",

          # Extra key
          subscription: "basic"

  @typedoc since: "9.0.0"
  @type user_context() :: %{
          optional(:id) => term(),
          optional(:username) => String.t(),
          optional(:email) => String.t(),
          optional(:ip_address) => term(),
          optional(:segment) => term(),
          optional(:geo) => %{
            optional(:city) => String.t(),
            optional(:country_code) => String.t(),
            optional(:region) => String.t()
          optional(atom()) => term()

  @typedoc """
  Request context.

  See `set_request_context/1`. This map gets eventually converted
  into a `Sentry.Interfaces.Request` struct.
  @typedoc since: "9.0.0"
  @type request_context() :: %{
          optional(:method) => String.t() | nil,
          optional(:url) => String.t() | nil,
          optional(:query_string) => String.t() | map() | [{String.t(), String.t()}] | nil,
          optional(:data) => term(),
          optional(:cookies) => String.t() | map() | [{String.t(), String.t()}] | nil,
          optional(:headers) => map() | nil,
          optional(:env) => map() | nil

  @typedoc """
  Breadcrumb info.

  See `add_breadcrumb/1`.

  ## Example

        type: "default",
        category: "",
        data: nil,
        level: "info",
        message: "User clicked on the main button",
        timestamp: 1596814007.035

  @typedoc since: "9.0.0"
  @type breadcrumb() :: %{
          optional(:type) => :default | :debug | :error | :navigation | String.t(),
          optional(:category) => String.t(),
          optional(:message) => String.t(),
          optional(:data) => map(),
          optional(:level) => :fatal | :error | :warning | :info | :debug,
          optional(:timestamp) => String.t() | integer(),
          optional(atom()) => term()

  @typedoc """
  A map of **tags**.

  See `set_tags_context/1`.
  @typedoc since: "9.0.0"
  @type tags() :: %{optional(atom()) => String.t() | number() | boolean() | nil}

  @typedoc """
  A map of **extra** data.

  See `set_extra_context/1`.
  @typedoc since: "9.0.0"
  @type extra() :: %{optional(atom()) => term()}

  @logger_metadata_key :__sentry__
  @user_key :user
  @tags_key :tags
  @extra_key :extra
  @request_key :request
  @breadcrumbs_key :breadcrumbs
  @attachments_key :attachments

  @doc false
  @spec __logger_metadata_key__() :: unquote(@logger_metadata_key)
  def __logger_metadata_key__ do

  @doc """
  Retrieves all currently-set context on the current process.

  ## Example

      iex> Sentry.Context.set_user_context(%{id: 123})
      iex> Sentry.Context.set_tags_context(%{message_id: 456})
      iex> Sentry.Context.get_all()
        user: %{id: 123},
        tags: %{message_id: 456},
        extra: %{},
        request: %{},
        breadcrumbs: [],
        attachments: []

  @spec get_all() :: %{
          user: user_context(),
          request: request_context(),
          tags: tags(),
          extra: extra(),
          breadcrumbs: list(),
          attachments: list(Attachment.t())
  def get_all do
    context = get_sentry_context()

      user: Map.get(context, @user_key, %{}),
      tags: Map.get(context, @tags_key, %{}),
      extra: Map.get(context, @extra_key, %{}),
      request: Map.get(context, @request_key, %{}),
      breadcrumbs: Map.get(context, @breadcrumbs_key, []) |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.to_list(),
      attachments: Map.get(context, @attachments_key, []) |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.to_list()

  @doc """
  Merges new fields into the `:extra` context, specific to the current process.

  This is used to set fields which should display when looking at a specific
  instance of an error.

  ## Example

      iex> Sentry.Context.set_extra_context(%{id: 123})
      iex> Sentry.Context.set_extra_context(%{detail: "bad_error"})
      iex> Sentry.Context.set_extra_context(%{message: "Oh no"})
      iex> Sentry.Context.get_all()
        user: %{},
        tags: %{},
        extra: %{detail: "bad_error", id: 123, message: "Oh no"},
        request: %{},
        breadcrumbs: [],
        attachments: []

  @spec set_extra_context(extra()) :: :ok
  def set_extra_context(map) when is_map(map) do
    set_context(@extra_key, map)

  @doc """
  Merges new fields into the `:user` context, specific to the current process.

  This is used to set certain fields which identify the actor who experienced a
  specific instance of an error.

  The user context is documented [in the Sentry

  > #### Additional Keys {: .error}
  > While at least one of the keys described in `t:Sentry.Interfaces.user/0` is
  > recommended, you can also add any arbitrary key to the user context.

  ## Example

      iex> Sentry.Context.set_user_context(%{id: 123})
      iex> Sentry.Context.set_user_context(%{username: "george"})
      iex> Sentry.Context.get_all()
        user: %{id: 123, username: "george"},
        tags: %{},
        extra: %{},
        request: %{},
        breadcrumbs: [],
        attachments: []

  @spec set_user_context(Interfaces.user()) :: :ok
  def set_user_context(user_context) when is_map(user_context) do
    set_context(@user_key, user_context)

  @doc """
  Merges new fields into the `:tags` context, specific to the current process.

  This is used to set fields which should display when looking at a specific
  instance of an error. These fields can also be used to search and filter on.

  ## Example

      iex> Sentry.Context.set_tags_context(%{id: 123})
      iex> Sentry.Context.set_tags_context(%{other_id: 456})
      iex> Sentry.Context.get_all()
          attachments: [],
          breadcrumbs: [],
          extra: %{},
          request: %{},
          tags: %{id: 123, other_id: 456},
          user: %{}

  @spec set_tags_context(tags()) :: :ok
  def set_tags_context(map) when is_map(map) do
    set_context(@tags_key, map)

  @doc """
  Merges new fields into the `:request` context, specific to the current

  This is used to set metadata that identifies the request associated with a
  specific instance of an error.

  The request context is documented [in the Sentry

  > #### Invalid Keys {: .error}
  > While this function accepts any map with atom keys, the only keys that
  > are valid are those in `t:request_context/0`. We don't validate
  > keys because of performance concerns, so it's up to you to ensure that
  > you're passing valid keys.

  ## Example

      iex> Sentry.Context.set_request_context(%{url: ""})
      iex> headers = %{"accept" => "application/json"}
      iex> Sentry.Context.set_request_context(%{headers: headers, method: "GET"})
      iex> Sentry.Context.get_all()
          attachments: [],
          breadcrumbs: [],
          extra: %{},
          request: %{method: "GET", headers: %{"accept" => "application/json"}, url: ""},
          tags: %{},
          user: %{}

  @spec set_request_context(request_context()) :: :ok
  def set_request_context(request_context) when is_map(request_context) do
    set_context(@request_key, request_context)

  @doc """
  Clears all existing context for the current process.

  ## Example

      iex> Sentry.Context.set_tags_context(%{id: 123})
      iex> Sentry.Context.clear_all()
      iex> Sentry.Context.get_all()
      %{breadcrumbs: [], extra: %{}, request: %{}, tags: %{}, user: %{}, attachments: []}

  @spec clear_all() :: :ok
  def clear_all do
    :logger.update_process_metadata(%{@logger_metadata_key => %{}})

  defp get_sentry_context do
    case :logger.get_process_metadata() do
      %{@logger_metadata_key => sentry} -> sentry
      %{} -> %{}
      :undefined -> %{}

  @doc """
  Adds a new breadcrumb to the `:breadcrumb` context, specific to the current

  Breadcrumbs are used to record a series of events that led to a specific
  instance of an error. Breadcrumbs can contain arbitrary key data to assist in
  understanding what happened before an error occurred.

  See the [Sentry documentation](
  for more information.

  If `breadcrumb_info` is a keyword list, it should be convertible to a map of type

  If not present, the `:timestamp` key is filled in automatically with the current
  Unix timestamp (in seconds).

  ## Example

      iex> Sentry.Context.add_breadcrumb(message: "first_event")
      iex> Sentry.Context.add_breadcrumb(%{message: "second_event", type: "auth"})
      %{breadcrumbs: [%{:message => "first_event", "timestamp" => 1562007480}]}
      iex> Sentry.Context.add_breadcrumb(%{message: "response"})
        breadcrumbs: [
          %{:message => "second_event", :type => "auth", "timestamp" => 1562007505},
          %{:message => "first_event", "timestamp" => 1562007480}
      iex> Sentry.Context.get_all()
        attachments: [],
        breadcrumbs: [
          %{:message => "first_event", "timestamp" => 1562007480},
          %{:message => "second_event", :type => "auth", "timestamp" => 1562007505},
          %{:message => "response", "timestamp" => 1562007517}
        extra: %{},
        request: %{},
        tags: %{},
        user: %{}

  @spec add_breadcrumb(keyword() | breadcrumb()) :: :ok
  def add_breadcrumb(breadcrumb_info)

  def add_breadcrumb(list) when is_list(list) do
    if Keyword.keyword?(list) do
      |> add_breadcrumb()
      raise ArgumentError, """
      Sentry.Context.add_breadcrumb/1 only accepts keyword lists or maps, \
      got a non-keyword list: #{inspect(list)}\

  def add_breadcrumb(map) when is_map(map) do
    map = Map.put_new(map, :timestamp, System.system_time(:second))

    sentry_metadata =
      |> Map.update(@breadcrumbs_key, [map], fn breadcrumbs ->
        breadcrumbs = [map | breadcrumbs]
        Enum.take(breadcrumbs, -1 * Sentry.Config.max_breadcrumbs())

    :logger.update_process_metadata(%{@logger_metadata_key => sentry_metadata})

  defp set_context(key, new) when is_map(new) do
    sentry_metadata =
      case :logger.get_process_metadata() do
        %{@logger_metadata_key => sentry} -> Map.update(sentry, key, new, &Map.merge(&1, new))
        _ -> %{key => new}

    :logger.update_process_metadata(%{@logger_metadata_key => sentry_metadata})

  @doc """
  Adds an **attachment** to the current context.

  Attachments stored in the context will be sent alongside each event that is
  reported *within that context* (that is, within the process that the context
  was set in).

  Currently, there is no limit to how many attachments you can add to the context
  through this function, even though there might be limits on the Sentry server side.
  To clear attachments, use `clear_attachments/0`.

  ## Examples

      iex> Sentry.Context.add_attachment(%Sentry.Attachment{filename: "foo.txt", data: "foo"})
      iex> Sentry.Context.add_attachment(%Sentry.Attachment{filename: "bar.txt", data: "bar"})
      iex> Sentry.Context.get_all()
        attachments: [
          %Sentry.Attachment{filename: "bar.txt", data: "bar"},
          %Sentry.Attachment{filename: "foo.txt", data: "foo"}
        breadcrumbs: [],
        extra: %{},
        request: %{},
        tags: %{},
        user: %{}

  @doc since: "10.1.0"
  @spec add_attachment(Attachment.t()) :: :ok
  def add_attachment(%Attachment{} = attachment) do
    new_context =
      Map.update(get_sentry_context(), @attachments_key, [attachment], &(&1 ++ [attachment]))

    :logger.update_process_metadata(%{@logger_metadata_key => new_context})

  @doc """
  Clears all attachments from the current context.

  See `add_attachment/1`.

  ## Examples

      iex> Sentry.Context.add_attachment(%Sentry.Attachment{filename: "foo.txt", data: "foo"})
      iex> Sentry.Context.clear_attachments()
      iex> Sentry.Context.get_all().attachments

  @doc since: "10.1.0"
  @spec clear_attachments() :: :ok
  def clear_attachments do
    new_context = Map.delete(get_sentry_context(), @attachments_key)
    :logger.update_process_metadata(%{@logger_metadata_key => new_context})

  @doc """
  Returns the keys used to store context in the current process' logger metadata.

  ## Example

      iex> Sentry.Context.context_keys()
      [:breadcrumbs, :tags, :user, :extra, :request, :attachments]

  @spec context_keys() :: [atom(), ...]
  def context_keys do
    [@breadcrumbs_key, @tags_key, @user_key, @extra_key, @request_key, @attachments_key]