defmodule Sentry.Interfaces do
@moduledoc """
Top-level module for Sentry interfaces.
Interfaces are pieces of the event payload that include various kinds of information.
See the [event payloads documentation](
and its subsections.
The types in this module and the nested structs are taken from Sentry's
[JSONSchema definitions](
@typedoc """
The **user** interface.
This interface is not a *struct* since it allows any additional arbitrary key
other than the ones defined in the schema.
See <>.
@typedoc since: "9.0.0"
@type user() :: %{
optional(:id) => term(),
optional(:username) => term(),
optional(:email) => String.t() | nil,
optional(:ip_address) => String.t() | nil,
optional(:segment) => term(),
optional(:geo) => %{
optional(:city) => String.t() | nil,
optional(:country_code) => String.t() | nil,
optional(:region) => String.t() | nil
optional(atom()) => term()
@typedoc """
The generic **context** interface.
See <>.
@typedoc since: "9.0.0"
@type context() :: map()
defmodule Request do
@moduledoc """
The struct for the **request** interface.
See <>.
@moduledoc since: "9.0.0"
@typedoc since: "9.0.0"
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
method: String.t() | nil,
url: String.t() | nil,
query_string: String.t() | map() | [{String.t(), String.t()}] | nil,
data: term(),
cookies: String.t() | map() | [{String.t(), String.t()}] | nil,
headers: map() | nil,
env: map() | nil
defstruct [
defmodule SDK do
@moduledoc """
The struct for the **SDK** interface.
This is usually filled in by the SDK itself.
See <>.
@moduledoc since: "9.0.0"
@typedoc since: "9.0.0"
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
name: String.t(),
version: String.t()
@enforce_keys [:name, :version]
defstruct [:name, :version]
defmodule Message do
@moduledoc """
The struct for the **message** interface.
See <>.
@moduledoc since: "10.1.0"
@typedoc since: "10.1.0"
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
message: String.t(),
formatted: String.t(),
params: [term()]
@enforce_keys [:formatted]
defstruct [:message, :params, :formatted]
defmodule Exception.Mechanism do
@moduledoc """
The struct for the **exception mechanism** to be used within exceptions.
See `Sentry.Interfaces.Exception`.
@moduledoc since: "10.2.0"
@typedoc since: "10.2.0"
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
type: String.t(),
handled: boolean() | nil,
data: map() | nil,
synthetic: boolean() | nil,
help_link: String.t() | nil,
meta: map() | nil
defstruct [:handled, :data, :synthetic, :help_link, :meta, type: "generic"]
defmodule Exception do
@moduledoc """
The struct for the **exception** interface.
See <>.
@moduledoc since: "9.0.0"
@typedoc since: "9.0.0"
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
type: String.t(),
value: String.t(),
module: String.t() | nil,
stacktrace: Sentry.Interfaces.Stacktrace.t() | nil,
mechanism: Sentry.Interfaces.Exception.Mechanism.t() | nil
@enforce_keys [:type, :value]
defstruct [:type, :value, :module, :stacktrace, :mechanism]
defmodule Stacktrace.Frame do
@moduledoc """
The struct for the **stacktrace frame** to be used within exceptions.
See `Sentry.Interfaces.Stacktrace`.
@moduledoc since: "9.0.0"
@typedoc since: "9.0.0"
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
module: module() | nil,
filename: Path.t() | nil,
function: String.t(),
lineno: pos_integer() | nil,
colno: pos_integer() | nil,
in_app: boolean(),
vars: map() | nil,
context_line: String.t() | nil,
pre_context: [String.t()],
post_context: [String.t()]
defstruct [
pre_context: [],
post_context: []
defmodule Stacktrace do
@moduledoc """
The struct for the **stacktrace** interface.
See <>.
@moduledoc since: "9.0.0"
@typedoc since: "9.0.0"
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
frames: [Sentry.Interfaces.Stacktrace.Frame.t()]
@enforce_keys [:frames]
defstruct [:frames]
defmodule Breadcrumb do
@moduledoc """
The struct for a single **breadcrumb** interface.
See <>.
@moduledoc since: "9.0.0"
@typedoc since: "9.0.0"
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
type: String.t(),
category: String.t(),
message: String.t(),
data: term(),
level: String.t() | nil,
timestamp: String.t() | number()
defstruct [:type, :category, :message, :data, :level, :timestamp]
defmodule Thread do
@moduledoc """
The struct for the **thread** interface.
See <>.
@moduledoc since: "10.1.0"
@typedoc since: "10.1.0"
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
id: term(),
crashed: boolean() | nil,
current: boolean() | nil,
main: boolean() | nil,
name: String.t() | nil,
state: term(),
held_locks: [term()],
stacktrace: Sentry.Interfaces.Stacktrace.t() | nil
@enforce_keys [:id]
defstruct [