# Seqfuzz

Seqfuzz is an implementation of a sequential fuzzy string matching algorithm, similar to those used in code editors like Sublime Text. It is based on Forrest Smith's work on [lib_ftps]( and his blog post [Reverse Engineering Sublime Text's Fuzzy Match](

There is an alternate implementation by [@WolfDan]( which can be found here: [Fuzzy Match v0.2.0 Elixir](

### Documentation

- **GitHub**: [](
- **Hexdocs**: [](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `seqfuzz` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:seqfuzz, "~> 0.1.1"}

## Examples

    iex> Seqfuzz.match("Hello, world!", "hellw")
    %{match?: true, matches: [0, 1, 2, 3, 7], score: 187}

    iex> items = [{1, "Hello Goodbye"}, {2, "Hell on Wheels"}, {3, "Hello, world!"}]
    iex> Seqfuzz.filter(items, "hellw", &(elem(&1, 1)))
    [{3, "Hello, world!"}, {2, "Hell on Wheels"}]

## Scoring

Scores can be configured in your mix configuration. I have added additional separators as a default as well as two additional scoring features: case match bonus and string match bonus. Case match bonus provides a small bonus for matching case. String match bonus provides a large bonus when the pattern and the string match exactly (although with different cases) to make sure that those results are always highest.

The default scores and available settings are:

    config :seqfuzz,
      sequential_bonus: 15,
      separator_bonus: 30,
      camel_bonus: 30,
      first_letter_bonus: 15,
      leading_letter_penalty: -3,
      max_leading_letter_penalty: -25,
      unmatched_letter_penalty: -1,
      case_match_bonus: 1,
      string_match_bonus: 20,
      separators: ["_", " ", ".", "/", ","],
      initial_score: 100

## Changelog

- `0.1.0` - Initial version. Supports basic algorithm but does not search recursively for better matches.

## Roadmap

- Add support for recursive search for better matches.
- Add support for asynchronous stream search.