# Serial Framing Protocol (SFP)

[![Build Status](]( [![](](

Reduction counting NIF for Erlang and Elixir based on [BaroboRobotics/libsfp]( library, which is “a reliable, message-oriented, point-to-point communications protocol suitable for embedding in systems with severely constrained resources.”

Designed to play nicely with [Nerves](, especially [Nerves.UART](

## Installation

If [using Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `serial_framing_protocol` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:serial_framing_protocol, "~> 1.1.0"}]

If [using rebar3](, the package can be installed by adding `http_signature ` to you list of dependencies in `rebar.config`:

{deps, [
  {serial_framing_protocol, "1.1.0"}

The [HexDocs]( can
be found at [](

## Usage

See [`test/support/process_socket.ex`]( or [the docs]( for examples.

Real world examples are available as part of [inthezone_nerves]( for the VEX Robotics Competition:

 * [`Vex.Robot.NervesSocket`]( — handles raw serial data from UART port.
 * [`Vex.Robot.UdpSocket`]( — handles UDP packets forwarded from Raspberry Pi 3.
 * [`Vex.Local.Server.Socket`]( — interfaces with VEX Cortex-M3 over UART or UDP connection.