# Serve
**Serve** is escript to quickly start an HTTP server, similar to quick-start solutions available in other languages:
$ php -S localhost:8080
$ ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8080
$ python3 -m http.server 8080
With **Serve**, you can quickly start an HTTP server:
$ serve /var/www/html
[info] Serving /var/www/html with Cowboy 2.13.0 at
## Installation
To install from Hex, run:
$ mix escript.install hex serve
To build and install it locally run:
$ mix install
it's a alias for:
$ mix do deps.get, escript.build, escript.install
> Note: For convenience, consider adding `~/.mix/escripts` directory to your `$PATH` environment variable.
> If you are using [asdf](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf) Whenever you install a new escript with `mix escript.install` you need to `asdf reshim elixir` in order to create shims for it.
If you want to uninstall Serve simply run:
$ mix escript.uninstall serve
## Options
### Comand line options
You can pass options directly to `serve`
- `-p`, `--port` - Specify the port to listen on (default: `4444`).
- `-o`, `--open` - Open the browser automatically.
- `-n`, `--no-index` - Disable directory listing.
- `-v`, `--version` - Shows Serve version.
- `-h`, `--help` - Shows Serve usage information.
$ serve --port 3000
### Environment variables
Serve also supports environment variables for all options. Simply use env with `MIX_SERVE_` prefix.
$ MIX_SERVE_PORT=3000 serve
You can also add exports to yours profile file, for example:
export MIX_SERVE_PORT=8000
export MIX_SERVE_OPEN=true
export MIX_SERVE_NO_INDEX=true
## Arguments
Serve accepts one argument: the directory to be served. If no directory is specified, the current working directory is used.
$ pwd
$ serve
[info] Serving /var/www/html/my_website with Cowboy 2.13.0 at http://localhost:4444
$ mix docs
Generating docs...
View "html" docs at "doc/index.html"
View "epub" docs at "doc/serve.epub"
$ serve s doc
[info] Serving /home/quex/workspace/serve/doc with Cowboy 2.13.0 at http://localhost:4444
## Security
Although Serve uses the robust Cowboy HTTP server, it is not intended to be a production-ready web server. It only supports the HTTP protocol and listens on the loopback interface.