# ServerSentEventStage

A GenStage producer which parses the ServerSentEvent protocol.

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## Installation

def deps do
    {:server_sent_event_stage, "~> 1.0.0"},
    {:castore, "~> 0.1"}

## Use

`start_link/1` starts the server:

iex> {:ok, pid} = ServerSentEventStage.start_link(url: "https://...")
iex> Enum.take([pid]), 2)
[%ServerSentEventStage.Event{}, %ServerSentEventStage.Event{}]

More likely, you'll want to add it as a part of a supervision tree:

# in a Supervisor.init callback
children = [
    {ServerSentEventStage, url: "https://..."},

## Documentation

Full documentation is available on [HexDocs](

## License

`server_sent_event_stage` is licensed under the [MIT](LICENSE) license.