
#`service` Behavior

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A minimal Erlang behavior for creating CloudI internal services.


[BSD License](


Add the following to your internal service module after your exports:


Then implement the service behavior interface:

    -callback service_config() ->
        cloudi_service_api:service_internal() |
    -callback service_init(Args :: list(),
                           Prefix :: cloudi_service:service_name_pattern(),
                           Timeout :: cloudi_service_api:timeout_milliseconds(),
                           Dispatcher :: cloudi_service:dispatcher()) ->
        {'ok', State :: any()} |
        {'stop', Reason :: any()} |
        {'stop', Reason :: any(), State :: any()}.
    -callback service_request(ServiceReq :: service:service_req(),
                              State :: any(),
                              Dispatcher :: cloudi_service:dispatcher()) ->
        {'reply', Response :: cloudi_service:response(), NewState :: any()} |
        {'reply', ResponseInfo :: cloudi_service:response_info(),
         Response :: cloudi_service:response(), NewState :: any()} |
        {'forward', NextServiceReq :: service:service_req(),
         NewState :: any()} |
        {'noreply', NewState :: any()} |
        {'stop', Reason :: any(), NewState :: any()}.
    -callback service_info(Request :: any(),
                           State :: any(),
                           Dispatcher :: cloudi_service:dispatcher()) ->
        {'noreply', NewState :: any()} |
        {'stop', Reason :: any(), NewState :: any()}.
    -callback service_terminate(Reason :: any(),
                                Timeout :: cloudi_service_api:timeout_milliseconds(),
                                State :: any()) ->

Otherwise, everything is normal CloudI service integration with usage
of the `service` module (instead of the `cloudi` module or the
`cloudi_service` module).  To see documentation about CloudI service
integration, [go here](


Michael Truog (mjtruog [at] gmail (dot) com)


* Juan Jose Comellas (interface ideas, fixes)
* Drew Varner (fixes)