# ServoKit
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Use PCA9685 PWM/Servo Controller in Elixir
## Installation
You can install this library by adding `servo_kit` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:servo_kit, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Examples
### Basic usage
{:ok, _pid} = ServoKit.start_link()
# Set the duty cycle to 7.5% for Channel 0
ServoKit.set_pwm_duty_cycle(7.5, ch: 0)
### Controling a standard servo
# Define the mapping between the angle in degrees and duty cycle in percentage
angle_range = {0, 180}
duty_cycle_range = {2.5, 12.5}
# Set the angle to 0 degree for channel 0
0 |> ServoKit.map(angle_range, duty_cycle_range) |> ServoKit.set_pwm_duty_cycle(ch: 0)
# Set the angle to 90 degree for channel 0
90 |> ServoKit.map(angle_range, duty_cycle_range) |> ServoKit.set_pwm_duty_cycle(ch: 0)
# Set the angle to 180 degree for channel 0
180 |> ServoKit.map(angle_range, duty_cycle_range) |> ServoKit.set_pwm_duty_cycle(ch: 0)
### Controling a continuous servo
# Define the mapping between the throttle -1..1 and duty cycle in percentage
throttle_range = {-1.0, 1.0}
duty_cycle_range = {2.5, 12.5}
# Stop the actuator for channel 0
0 |> ServoKit.map(throttle_range, duty_cycle_range) |> ServoKit.set_pwm_duty_cycle(ch: 0)
# Throttle full speed forward for channel 0
1.0 |> ServoKit.map(throttle_range, duty_cycle_range) |> ServoKit.set_pwm_duty_cycle(ch: 0)
# Throttle full speed reverse for channel 0
-1.0 |> ServoKit.map(throttle_range, duty_cycle_range) |> ServoKit.set_pwm_duty_cycle(ch: 0)
## Links
- [PCA9685 Overview](https://www.nxp.com/products/power-management/lighting-driver-and-controller-ics/ic-led-controllers/16-channel-12-bit-pwm-fm-plus-ic-bus-led-controller:PCA9685)
- [PCA9685 Data Sheet](https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/PCA9685.pdf)