# SFTP Client

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An Elixir SFTP Client that wraps Erlang's
[ssh]( and

## Prerequisites

* Erlang 20 or greater
* Elixir 1.8 or greater

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `sftp_client` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:sftp_client, "~> 1.2.0"}

## Usage

There are bang (!) counterparts for almost all available functions.

### Connect & Disconnect

To open a new connection to an SFTP server:

{:ok, conn} = SFTPClient.connect(host: "")

Refer to the docs for `SFTPClient.Operations.Connect.connect/1` to find out
all available options.

It is strongly recommended to close a connection after your operations have


For short-lived connections you can also use a function as second argument.
After the function body has run or raises, the connection is automatically

SFTPClient.connect([host: ""], fn conn ->
  # Do something with conn

### Download

You can download a file from the server you can use the following function.

SFTPClient.download_file(conn, "my/remote/dir/file.jpg", "my/dir/local-file.jpg")
# => {:ok, "my/dir/local-file.jpg"}

When the third argument is an existing directory on your file system, the file
is downloaded to a file with the same name as the one on the server.

SFTPClient.download_file(conn, "my/remote/dir/image.png", "my/local/dir")
# => {:ok, "my/local/dir/image.png"}

It is also possible to use Streams to download data into a file or memory.  

source_stream = SFTPClient.stream_file!(conn, "my/remote/file.jpg")
target_stream =!("my/local/file.jpg")

|> Stream.into(target_stream)

### Upload

To upload are file from the file system you can use the following function.

SFTPClient.upload_file(conn, "my/local/dir/file.jpg", "my/remote/dir/file.jpg")
# => {:ok, "my/remote/dir/file.jpg"}

You can also use Streams to upload data.

source_stream =!("my/local/file.jpg")
target_stream = SFTPClient.stream_file!(conn, "my/remote/file.jpg")

|> Stream.into(target_stream)

### List Directory

SFTPClient.list_dir(conn, "my/dir")
# => {:ok, ["my/dir/file_1.jpg", "my/dir/file_2.jpg", ...]}

### Create Directory

SFTPClient.make_dir(conn, "my/new/dir")

Note that this operation fails unless the parent directory exists.

### Delete

To delete a file:

SFTPClient.delete_file(conn, "my/remote/file.jpg")

To delete a directory:

SFTPClient.delete(conn, "my/remote/dir")

Note that a directory cannot be deleted as long as it still contains files.

### Rename

To delete a file or directory:

SFTPClient.rename(conn, "my/remote/file.jpg", "my/remote/new-file.jpg")

### File Info

You can retrieve meta data about a file from the server such as file size,
modification time, file permissions, owner and so on.

SFTPClient.file_info(conn, "my/remote/file.jpg")
# => {:ok, %File.Stat{...}}

Refer to the [`File.Stat`]( docs for a
list of available file information.

### Symbolic Links

There are also a couple of functions that handle symlinks.

It is possible to get the target of a symlink.

SFTPClient.read_link(conn, "my/remote/link.jpg")
# => {:ok, "my/remote/file.jpg"}

You can retrieve meta data about symlinks, similar to `file_info/2`.

SFTPClient.link_info(conn, "my/remote/link.jpg")
# => {:ok, %File.Stat{...}}

And you are able to create symlinks.

SFTPClient.make_link(conn, "my/remote/link.jpg", "my/remote/file.jpg")

## Docs

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## Missing Features

* Support for ed25519 and ed448 keys
* Remote TAR creation and extraction
* `:ssh_sftp.write_file_info/3`