# shamir
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gleam add shamir
import shamir
pub fn main() {
let secret = "testing123!"
io.println("Original: " <> data)
let share_res = shamir.share(data, 5, 3)
let assert Ok([share_1, share_2, share_3, share_4, share_5]) = share_res
io.println("Share 1: " <> share_1)
io.println("Share 2: " <> share_2)
io.println("Share 3: " <> share_3)
io.println("Share 4: " <> share_4)
io.println("Share 5: " <> share_5)
let assert Ok(combined) = shamir.combine([share_1, share_3, share_5])
io.println("Combined Shares: " <> combined)
let assert Ok(share_new) = shamir.new_share(6, [share_1, share_3, share_4])
io.println("New Share: " <> share_new)
let assert Ok(new_combined) = shamir.combine([share_1, share_4, share_new])
io.println("Combined New Shares: " <> new_combined)
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/shamir>.
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell