# Shapeshifter

Shapeshifter is an Elixir library for switching between Bitcoin transaction formats. Quickly and simply shift between raw tx binaries, `BSV.Transaction` structs, and `TXO` and `BOB` transaction formats.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `shapeshifter` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:shapeshifter, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Usage
Using Shapeshifter couldn't be simpler. Under the hood Shapeshifter uses pattern matching to automatically determine the source format, so all you need to do is pass a transaction object of any format to the appropriate function of the format you want to convert to (from: `to_raw/2`, `to_tx/1`, `to_txo/1` or `to_bob/1`).
# Convert to raw tx
# => <<1, 0, 0, 0, ...>>
# Convert to raw tx with hex encoding
Shapeshifter.to_raw(tx, encoding: :hex)
# => "01000000..."
# Convert to BSV.Transaction struct
# => %BSV.Transaction{}
# Convert to TXO map
# => %{"in" => [...], "out" => [...], ...}
# Convert to BOB map
# => %{"in" => [...], "out" => [...], ...}
For more advanced use, Shapeshifter can also be used to convert individual inputs and outputs between the supported formats.
For more examples, refer to the [full documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/shapeshifter).
## License
Shapeshifter is open source and released under the [Apache-2 License](https://github.com/libitx/shapeshifter/blob/master/LICENSE).
© Copyright 2020 libitx.