  <img align="left" height="60px" src="guides/images/shards.png">

> ### ETS tables on steroids!
> Sharding for ETS tables out-of-box.

[![Hex Version](](

Why might we need **Sharding/Partitioning** for the ETS tables? The main reason
is to keep the lock contention under control enabling ETS tables to scale out
and support higher levels of concurrency without lock issues; specially
write-locks, which most of the cases might cause significant performance

Therefore, one of the most common and proven strategies to deal with these
problems is [Sharding][sharding] or [Partitioning][partitioning]; the principle
is pretty similar to [DHTs][dht].

This is where [shards][shards] comes in. [Shards][shards] is an Erlang/Elixir
library fully compatible with the [ETS API][ets_api], but it implements sharding
or partitioning on top of the ETS tables, completely transparent and out-of-box.

See the **[getting started][getting_started]** guide
and the **[online documentation](**.

[getting_started]: guides/

## Installation

### Erlang

In your `rebar.config`:

{deps, [
  {shards, "1.0.1"}

### Elixir

In your `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:shards, "~> 1.0"}]

> For more information and examples, see the [getting started][getting_started]

## Important links

  * [Documentation]( - Hex Docs.

  * [Blog Post]( -
    Transparent and out-of-box sharding support for ETS tables in Erlang/Elixir.

  * Projects using **shards**:
    * [shards_dist]( - Distributed version
      of `shards`. It was moved to a separate repo since `v1.0.0`.
    * [ExShards]( – Elixir wrapper for
      `shards`; with extra and nicer functions.
    * [Nebulex]( – Distributed Caching
      framework for Elixir.
    * [KVX]( – Simple Elixir in-memory Key/Value
      Store using `shards` (default adapter).
    * [Cacherl]( Distributed Cache
      using `shards`.

## Testing

$ make test

You can find tests results in `_build/test/logs`, and coverage in

> **NOTE:** `shards` comes with a helper `Makefile`, but it is just a simple
  wrapper on top of `rebar3`, therefore, you can do everything using `rebar3`
  directly as well (e.g.: `rebar3 do ct, cover`).

## Generating Edoc

$ make docs

> **NOTE:** Once you run the previous command, you will find the generated HTML
  documentation within `doc` folder; open `doc/index.html`.

## Contributing

Contributions to **shards** are very welcome and appreciated!

Use the [issue tracker]( for bug reports
or feature requests. Open a [pull request](
when you are ready to contribute.

When submitting a pull request you should not update the [](,
and also make sure you test your changes thoroughly, include unit tests
alongside new or changed code.

Before to submit a PR it is highly recommended to run `make check` before and
ensure all checks run successfully.

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2016 Carlos Andres Bolaños R.A.

**Shards** source code is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).