# Sheriff
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A simple minimal-dependency way to manage policy based authorization.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add `sheriff` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:sheriff, "~> 0.3"}]

  2. Ensure `sheriff` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:sheriff]]

## Current User

Sheriff defaults to looking in `Plug.Conn.private` for `:current_user`, but this may not be compatible with all applications, so we can configure the key:

config :sheriff, Sheriff,
  resource_key: :your_desired_resource_key

## Resource Loading

Resource loaders are responsible for retrieving the targetted resource provided for a specific request.  A global loader can be specified in your application configuration or individual loaders can be supplied on a per plug basis.

Sheriff ships with a convenient `Sheriff.ResourceLoader` behaviour:

defmodule Example.UserLoader do
  @behaviour Sheriff.ResourceLoader

  def fetch_resource(:show, %{"id" => id}), do: Repo.get(User, id)
  def fetch_resource(:index, _params), do: Repo.all(User)


## Laws

In Sheriff authorization is handled with laws; which are modules that implement the `Sheriff.Law` behaviour:

defmodule Example.UserLaw do
  @behaviour Sheriff.Law

  alias Example.User

  # Admins can see all the things!
  def permitted?(%User{role: "admin"}, _request, _resource), do: true

  # Users can access themselves
  def permitted?(%User{id: id}, _request, %User{id: id}), do: true

  # Team admin can view team members
  def permitted?(%User{role: "team_admin", team_id: id}, :show, resources) do
    Enum.all?(resources, &(&1.team_id == team_id))

  # No match, no access
  def permitted?(_, _, _), do: false

## Plugs

There are two plugs that serve as the workhorses of Sheriff, these need to occur __after__ `Plug.Parser`:

+ `Sheriff.Plug.LoadResource` - Uses the configured `ResourceLoader` to fetch the target resource
+ `Sheriff.Plug.EnforceLaw` - Apply a given `Law` against the current user, target resource, and request.

When defining our authorization pipeline we could use something like this:

plug Sheriff.Plug.LoadResource, loader: Example.UserLoader
plug Sheriff.Plug.EnforceLaw, law: Example.UserLaw

## Error Handling

Sheriff has just three error scenarios we need to address:

+ The requested resource is missing
+ The current user is not authenticated
+ The current user is not authorized to perform the requested action

To handle these cases we'll want to provide an error handler for Sheriff.  Our handler can be a module that
implements `resource_missing/1`, `unauthenticated/1`, and `unauthorized/1`; the `Sheriff.Handler` behaviour is optional.

Sheriff makes no assumptions so we need to tell it which module to use as a handler:

config :sheriff, Sheriff,
  handler: YourApp.ErrorHandler

That's it!