# Shifts

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Shifts is a framework for composing autonomous **agent** workflows, using a mixture of LLM backends.

- 🤖 **Automate your chores** - have AI agents handle the mundane so you can focus on the things you care about.
- 💪🏻 **Agents with superpowers** - create tools, so your agents can interact with the Web or internal APIs and systems.
- 🧩 **Flexible and adaptable** - easily compose and modify workflows to suit your specific needs.
- 🤗 **Delightful simplicity** - pipe instructions together using just plain English and intuitive APIs.
- 🎨 **Mix and match** - Plug into different LLMs even within the same workflow so you are always using the right tool for job.

### Current dev status

| Version   | Stability                                                    | Status                  |
| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------- |
| `0.0.x`   | For the brave and adventurous - expect breaking changes.     | **👈🏻 We are here!** |
| `0.x.0`   | Focus on better docs with less frequent breaking changes.    |                         |
| `1.0.0` + | 🚀 Launched. Great docs, great dev experience, stable APIs. |                         |

### Currently supported LLMs

- Anthropic / Claude 3 - **Recommended**
- Ollama - Hermes Pro

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `shifts` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`.

def deps do
    {:shifts, "~> 0.0.1"}

Documentation to follow...

## Licence

This package is open source and released under the [Apache-2 Licence](

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