# ShipHawk

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This is an abstraction of Shiphawk API to Elixir applications.
It comes with a nice and clean DSL that easily enable projects
to integrate with ShipHawk.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `shiphawk` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:shiphawk, "~> 0.1.0"}

Make sure you also add the necessary configuration:

config :shiphawk, api_key: "your_api_key"

## Supported Endpoints

These are the supported API groups currenlty supported:

- [Rates](#rates)

## Rates

### Getting Rates
  `Shiphawk.Rates.get/3` is used to get shipping rates

#### Parameters
  - `items`: List of Maps, items that are being shipped ([Accepted parameters](
  - `from`: Map with the address where it's being shipped from ([Accepted parameters](
  - `to`: Map with the address where it's being shipped to ([Accepted parameters](

#### Example
items = [%{
  package_type: "box",
  item_type: "handling_unit",
  handling_unit_type: "pallet", # Must be "pallet", "carton", "box", "crate", or "bag"
  length: "10",
  width: "10",
  height: "11",
  weight: "10",
  value: 100.00

from = %{ "zip" => "93101"}
to = %{ "zip" => "60060"}

Shiphawk.Rates.get(items, from, to)

# {
#   :ok,
#   %{"rates" => [...]}
#  }

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