# Shoehorn

[![Hex version]( "Hex version")](

Shoehorn provides full control over the application lifecycle in Elixir.

## Usage

`Shoehorn` acts as a shim to the initialization sequence for your application's
VM. Using `Shoehorn`, you can ensure that the VM will always pass
initialization.  This provides the running node the ability of using Elixir /
Erlang to control the full application lifecycle through the exposure of new
system phases.  This level of control is important when the Erlang VM is fully
responsible for the entire runtime, including its own updates. In these
situations, if the VM were to fail to start it would never be able to recover
from a bad update. This is especially useful when running

Here's how it works.

Run `mix release.init` on your project and then add `shoehorn` to your `mix
releases` configuration in the `mix.exs` (replace `:my_app`):

  def project do
      releases: releases()

  def releases do
      my_app: [
        steps: [&Shoehorn.Release.init/1, :assemble]

  defp deps do
      {:shoehorn, "~> 0.7.0"}

Then add a minimal `shoehorn` configuration to your `config.exs` (replace

config :shoehorn
  app: :my_app

Create a release:

mix release

Next, run your app using `shoehorn`:

_build/dev/rel/simple_app/bin/simple_app console_boot $(pwd)/_build/dev/rel/simple_app/bin/shoehorn

From here we can see that shoehorn was started, but `simple_app` was not.

iex(simple_app@> Application.started_applications
[{:iex, 'iex', '1.4.0'}, {:shoehorn, 'shoehorn', '0.1.0'},
 {:elixir, 'elixir', '1.4.0'}, {:compiler, 'ERTS  CXC 138 10', '7.0.3'},
 {:stdlib, 'ERTS  CXC 138 10', '3.2'}, {:kernel, 'ERTS  CXC 138 10', '5.1.1'}]

Booting the shoehorn.boot script with zero application config will bring up the
Erlang VM and only run the `shoehorn` app.

Now let's configure `shoehorn` to do something more interesting by adding some
minimal configuration:

# config/config.exs

config :shoehorn,
  app: :my_app,
  init: [:nerves_runtime, :nerves_pack]

Shoehorn will call `Application.ensure_all_started/2` on each app in the `init`
list, followed by the main `app`. In the example above, the boot sequence would
be `[:nerves_runtime, :nerves_pack, :my_app]`.

Use the `init` application list to prioritize OTP applications that are needed
for error recovery. In the example above, we initialize the runtime, bring up
the network, and ensure that we can receive new firmware updates. Now, if
`my_app` fails to start, the node would still be in a state where it can receive
new firmware over the network.

You can also specify an `{m, f, a}` in the `init` list for performing simple
initialization time tasks. Shoehorn will call
[Kernel.apply/3]( for each `{m, f,
a}`-formatted entry.

# config/config.exs

config :shoehorn,
  app: :my_app,
  init: [{IO, :puts, ["Init"]}, :nerves_runtime]

## Application Failures

The Erlang VM will respond to application failures differently, depending on the
_permanence type_ specified when the application started. There are three
permanence types:

* `:permanent` - if the application terminates, all other applications and the
  entire node are also terminated.
* `:transient` - if the application terminates with `:normal reason`, it is
  reported but no other applications are terminated. However, if the application
  terminates abnormally, all other applications and the entire node are also
* `:temporary` - if the application terminates, it is reported but no other
  applications are terminated (the default behaviour).

Shoehorn will start all applications as `:temporary` and monitor application
events by registering with the erlang kernel

Application start and exit events will attempt to execute a callback to the
configured `Shoehorn.Handler` module. By default, the module
`Shoehorn.Handler.Ignore` will be called. This module is configured to continue
the Erlang VM if any OTP application were to exit, for any reason. In
production, you may want to customize the action on failure so you can gather
forensics or perform updates to the node.  You can do this by overriding the
handler in the prod env of your application config.

# config/prod.exs

config :shoehorn,
  handler: MyApp.ShoehornHandler

More advanced failure cases can be handled by providing your own module that
implements the `Shoehorn.Handler` behaviour. For example, the erlang `:ssh`
application is prone to exiting when undergoing a brute force attack. Instead of
the default production behaviour of forcing the node to restart, we can restart
the application.

defmodule Example.RestartHandler do
  use Shoehorn.Handler

  def application_exited(app, _reason, state) do
    IO.puts("Application stopped: #{inspect(app)} #{inspect(state)}")
    {:continue, state}


The `application_exited/3` callback is limited in the amount of time is has to
execute by setting a shutdown timer. If the callback does not return within the
defined shutdown time, the node is instructed to halt. The default shutdown time
is 30 seconds but this value can be changed in the application config:

# config/config.exs

config :shoehorn,
  shutdown_timer: 50_000 # 50 Seconds

Have a look at the [example
application]( for
more info on implementing custom strategies.