# Changelog

## v0.8.0 - 2021-10-31

Shoehorn v0.8.0 completely removes support for Distillery.

## v0.7.0

Shoehorn 0.7.0 removes support for creating boot scripts using Distillery and
only supports using Elixir releases. As a result, the minimum supported version
of Elixir is now version 1.9.

## v0.6.0

* Enhancements
  * Added support for Elixir 1.9+ releases.
  * Distillery is now an optional dependency and ~> 2.1.
  * Updated supervisor specs and cleaned up warnings.

## v0.5.0

* Enhancements
  * Exclude distillery, artificery, and mix from the release by default.
  * Removed RPC and application overlay modules.
  * Updated deps and docs.

## v0.4.0

* Enhancements
  * Support for distillery ~> 2.0
  * Support for Elixir ~> 1.7

## v0.3.1

For Shoehorn, these are our goals:
1: Fix current issue with prod devices turning to zombies
2: Make it really really difficult to enter a brick state ever.

It was becoming apparent that it is difficult to address goal #1 by changing the defaults without impacting goal #2 at all. We believe that its best to solve goal #1  by opting in and not by modifying the defaults.

In this release, existing projects that do not declare a handler in the
config will use `Shoehorn.Handler.Ignore`.

## v0.3.0

The default strategy for how Shoehorn handles OTP application exits has changed.
Before this release, if an application were to exit the node would remain running
and that applications would remain stopped. This may be desireable for development
and test but is typically undesireable in production. This behaviour can be
customized by configuring the `handler` in the config. For example, in dev you can
use the module `Shoehorn.Handler.Ignore` to prevent the node from halting on failure.

  # config/dev.exs

  config :shoehorn,
    handler: Shoehorn.Handler.Ignore

Check out the [example application]( for information on implementing custom strategies.

## v0.2.0

  Renamed project Shoehorn.
  It became hard to discuss this project with the name Bootloader.

  * Enhancements
    * `:init` list can contain `:application`, `{m, f, a}`, or `{Module, [args]}`.

## v0.1.3

  * Bug Fixes
    * Add explicit functions for each of the Distillery Plugin behaviour callbacks.

## v0.1.2

  * Bug Fixes
    * Only look in `:code.lib_dir()` for the Application lib dir instead of involving `mix`
  * Enhancements
    * Warn when an app listed in `:init` or `:app` does not exist.
    * Output message about booting using shoehorn during `mix release`

## v0.1.1

  * Bug Fixes
    * Fixed issue with release path being constructed incorrectly.

## v0.1.0

  Initial release to hex.