# Shopifex

A simple boilerplate package for creating Shopify embedded apps with the Elixir Phoenix framework. [](

For from-scratch setup instructions (slightly out of date), read [Create an Elixir Phoenix Shopify App in 5 Minutes](

## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `shopifex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:shopifex, "~> 0.3"}
## Quickstart

Add the `:shopifex` config settings to your `config.ex`. More config details [here](

config :shopifex,
  app_name: "MyApp",
  shop_schema: MyApp.Shop,
  web_module: MyAppWeb,
  repo: MyApp.Repo,
  path_prefix: "/shopfy-app", # optional, default is "" (empty string). This is useful for umbrella apps scoped by a reverse proxy
  redirect_uri: "",
  reinstall_uri: "",
  webhook_uri: "",
  scopes: "read_inventory,write_inventory,read_products,write_products,read_orders",
  api_key: "shopifyapikey123",
  secret: "shopifyapisecret456",
  webhook_topics: ["app/uninstalled"] # These are automatically subscribed on a store upon install

Update your `endpoint.ex` to include the custom body parser. This is necessary for HMAC validation to work.

@session_options [
  store: :cookie,
  key: "_my_app_key",
  signing_salt: "Es1PzgRs",
  secure: true, # <- add this
  extra: "SameSite=None" # <- add this
# ...
plug Plug.Parsers,
  parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json],
  pass: ["*/*"],
  body_reader: {ShopifexWeb.CacheBodyReader, :read_body, []},
  json_decoder: Phoenix.json_library()

Add this line near the top of `router.ex` to include the Shopifex pipelines

Now the following pipelines are accessible:

- `:shopify_browser` -> Calls custom Shopifex fetch_flash amd removes iframe blocking headers as well as standard :browser pipeline stuff
- `:shopify_session` -> Ensures that a valid store is currently loaded in the session and is accessible in your controllers/templates as ``
- `:shopify_entrypoint` -> Validates HMAC parameters to make sure the incoming requests from Shopify are valid. For example, when the app is being installed, or the initial loading of your App inside of the Shopify admin panel.
- `:shopify_webhook` -> Validates webhook request HMAC and makes shop accessible in your controllers/templates as ``
- `:admin_links` -> fetches flash and removes iframe headers. Useful for admin link endpoints

Now add this basic example of these plugs in action in `router.ex`. These endpoints need to be added to your Shopify app whitelist

# Include all auth (when Shopify requests to render your app in an iframe), installation and update routes 

# Place your in-shopify-session endpoints in here
scope "/", MyAppWeb do
  pipe_through [:shopify_browser, :shopify_session]

  get "/", PageController, :index

# Make your webhook endpoint look like this
scope "/webhook", MyAppWeb do
  pipe_through [:shopify_webhook]

  post "/", WebhookController, :action

# Place your admin link endpoints in here
scope "/admin-links", MyAppWeb do
  pipe_through [:admin_links, :shopify_webhook]

  get "/do-a-thing", AdminLinkController, :do_a_thing

Create a new controller called `auth_controller.ex` to handle the initial iFrame load and installation

defmodule MyAppWeb.AuthController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  use ShopifexWeb.AuthController

  # Thats it! Validation, installation are now handled for you :)
  # Optionally, override the `after_install` callback
  def after_install(conn, shop) do
    # TODO: send yourself an e-mail
    # follow default behaviour.
    super(conn, shop)

create another controller called `webhook_controller.ex` to handle incoming Shopify webhooks

defmodule MyAppWeb.WebhookController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  use ShopifexWeb.WebhookController

  # add as many handle_topic/3 functions here as you like! This basic one handles app uninstallation
  def handle_topic(conn, shop, "app/uninstalled") do

    |> send_resp(200, "success")

  # Mandatory Shopify shop data erasure GDPR webhook. Simply delete the shop record
  def handle_topic(conn, shop, "shop/redact") do

    |> send_resp(204, "")

  # Mandatory Shopify customer data erasure GDPR webhook. Simply delete the shop (customer) record
  def handle_topic(conn, shop, "customers/redact") do

    |> send_resp(204, "")

  # Mandatory Shopify customer data request GDPR webhook.
  def handle_topic(conn, _shop, "customers/data_request") do
    # Send an email of the shop data to the customer.
    |> send_resp(202, "Accepted")
## Update app permissions

You can also update the app permissions after installation. To do so, first you have to add `` to Shopify's whitelist.

To add e.g. the `read_customers` scope, you can do so by redirecting them to the following example url:


## Beta feature: Add payment guards to routes
This system allows you to use the `Shopifex.Plug.PaymentGuard` plug. If the merchant does not have an active grant associated with the named guard, it will redirect them to a plan selection page, allow them to pay, and handle the payment callback all automatically. I am working on the admin panel where you can register Plan objects which grant `premium_plan` (for example) - but for now these need to be entered manually into the database.

Generate the schemas

`mix phx.gen.schema Shops Plan plans name:string price:string features:array:string grants:array:string test:boolean usages:integer type:string`

`mix phx.gen.schema Shops Grant grants shop:references:shops charge_id:integer grants:array:string remaining_usages:integer total_usages:integer`

Add the config options:
config :my_app,
  payment_guard: MyApp.Shops.PaymentGuard,
  grant_schema: MyApp.Shops.Grant,
  plan_schema: MyApp.Shops.Plan,
  payment_redirect_uri: ""
Serve the Shopifex assets for the plans selection page. Add the following to `endpoint.ex`:
# Serve at "/shopifex-assets" the static files from shopifex.
plug Plug.Static,
  at: "/shopifex-assets",
  from: :shopifex,
  gzip: false,
  only: ~w(css fonts images js favicon.ico robots.txt)
Create the payment guard module:
defmodule MyAppWeb.Shops.PaymentGuard do
  use Shopifex.PaymentGuard
Create a new payment controller:
defmodule MyAppWeb.PaymentController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  use ShopifexWeb.PaymentController
Add payment routes to `router.ex`:
To manage plans, add admin routes behind a secure scope. Here you can manage available payment options (layout ugly, work in progress).
# I used Pow, but you can use whatever you like
pipeline :protected do
  plug Pow.Plug.RequireAuthenticated,
    error_handler: Pow.Phoenix.PlugErrorHandler

scope "/admin" do
  pipe_through [:protected]

# This is Pow-specific. It registers the routes for logging in
scope "/" do
  pipe_through :shopify_browser

Now you can protect routes or controller actions with the `Shopifex.Plug.PaymentGuard` plug. Here is an example of it in action on an admin link
defmodule MyAppWeb.AdminLinkController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  require Logger

  plug Shopifex.Plug.PaymentGuard, "premium_plan" when action in [:premium_function]
  def premium_function(conn, _params) do
    # Wow, much premium.
    |> send_resp(200, "success")