# Shopifex

A simple boilerplate package for creating Shopify embedded apps with the Elixir Phoenix framework. [](

For from-scratch setup instructions (slightly out of date), read [Create an Elixir Phoenix Shopify App in 5 Minutes](

## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `shopifex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:shopifex, "~> 0.5"}
## Quickstart
Create the shop schema where the installation data will be stored:
mix phx.gen.schema Shop shops url:string access_token:string scope:string
mix ecto.migrate

Add the `:shopifex` config settings to your `config.ex`. More config details [here](

config :shopifex,
  app_name: "MyApp",
  shop_schema: MyApp.Shop,
  web_module: MyAppWeb,
  repo: MyApp.Repo,
  path_prefix: "/shopfy-app", # optional, default is "" (empty string). This is useful for umbrella apps scoped by a reverse proxy
  redirect_uri: "",
  reinstall_uri: "",
  webhook_uri: "",
  scopes: "read_inventory,write_inventory,read_products,write_products,read_orders",
  api_key: "shopifyapikey123",
  secret: "shopifyapisecret456",
  webhook_topics: ["app/uninstalled"] # These are automatically subscribed on a store upon install

Update your `endpoint.ex` to include the custom body parser. This is necessary for HMAC validation to work.

@session_options [
  store: :cookie,
  key: "_my_app_key",
  signing_salt: "Es1PzgRs",
  secure: true, # <- add this
  extra: "SameSite=None" # <- add this
# ...
plug Plug.Parsers,
  parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json],
  pass: ["*/*"],
  body_reader: {ShopifexWeb.CacheBodyReader, :read_body, []},
  json_decoder: Phoenix.json_library()

Add this line near the top of `router.ex` to include the Shopifex pipelines

Now the following pipelines are accessible:

- `:shopify_browser` -> Calls custom Shopifex fetch_flash amd removes iframe blocking headers as well as standard :browser pipeline stuff
- `:shopify_session` -> Ensures that a valid store is currently loaded in the session and is accessible in your controllers/templates as ``. Also places a JWT in the session which can be accessed via `Guardian.Plug.current_token/1` and passed to your front end for making authorized requests.
- `:shopify_webhook` -> Validates webhook request HMAC and makes shop accessible in your controllers/templates as ``
- `:admin_links` -> fetches flash and removes iframe headers. Useful for admin link endpoints

Now add this basic example of these plugs in action in `router.ex`. These endpoints need to be added to your Shopify app whitelist

# Include all auth (when Shopify requests to render your app in an iframe), installation and update routes 

# Place your in-shopify-session endpoints in here
scope "/", MyAppWeb do
  pipe_through [:shopify_browser, :shopify_session]

  get "/", PageController, :index

# Make your webhook endpoint look like this
scope "/webhook", MyAppWeb do
  pipe_through [:shopify_webhook]

  post "/", WebhookController, :action

# Place your admin link endpoints in here
scope "/admin-links", MyAppWeb do
  pipe_through [:admin_links, :shopify_webhook]

  get "/do-a-thing", AdminLinkController, :do_a_thing

Create a new controller called `auth_controller.ex` to handle the initial iFrame load and installation

defmodule MyAppWeb.AuthController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  use ShopifexWeb.AuthController

  # Thats it! Validation, installation are now handled for you :)
  # Optionally, override the `after_install` callback
  def after_install(conn, shop) do
    # TODO: send yourself an e-mail
    # follow default behaviour.
    super(conn, shop)

create another controller called `webhook_controller.ex` to handle incoming Shopify webhooks

defmodule MyAppWeb.WebhookController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  use ShopifexWeb.WebhookController

  # add as many handle_topic/3 functions here as you like! This basic one handles app uninstallation
  def handle_topic(conn, shop, "app/uninstalled") do

    |> send_resp(200, "success")

  # Mandatory Shopify shop data erasure GDPR webhook. Simply delete the shop record
  def handle_topic(conn, shop, "shop/redact") do

    |> send_resp(204, "")

  # Mandatory Shopify customer data erasure GDPR webhook. Simply delete the shop (customer) record
  def handle_topic(conn, shop, "customers/redact") do

    |> send_resp(204, "")

  # Mandatory Shopify customer data request GDPR webhook.
  def handle_topic(conn, _shop, "customers/data_request") do
    # Send an email of the shop data to the customer.
    |> send_resp(202, "Accepted")
## Update app permissions

You can also update the app permissions after installation. To do so, first you have to add `` to Shopify's whitelist.

To add e.g. the `read_customers` scope, you can do so by redirecting them to the following example url:


## Beta feature: Add payment guards to routes
This system allows you to use the `Shopifex.Plug.PaymentGuard` plug. If the merchant does not have an active grant associated with the named guard, it will redirect them to a plan selection page, allow them to pay, and handle the payment callback all automatically. I am working on the admin panel where you can register Plan objects which grant `premium_plan` (for example) - but for now these need to be entered manually into the database.

Generate the schemas

`mix phx.gen.schema Shops.Plan plans name:string price:string features:array:string grants:array:string test:boolean usages:integer type:string`

`mix phx.gen.schema Shops.Grant grants shop:references:shops charge_id:integer grants:array:string remaining_usages:integer total_usages:integer`

Add the config options:
config :my_app,
  payment_guard: MyApp.Shops.PaymentGuard,
  grant_schema: MyApp.Shops.Grant,
  plan_schema: MyApp.Shops.Plan,
  payment_redirect_uri: ""
Serve the Shopifex assets for the plans selection page. Add the following to `endpoint.ex`:
# Serve at "/shopifex-assets" the static files from shopifex.
plug Plug.Static,
  at: "/shopifex-assets",
  from: :shopifex,
  gzip: false,
  only: ~w(css fonts images js favicon.ico robots.txt)
Create the payment guard module:
defmodule MyApp.Shops.PaymentGuard do
  use Shopifex.PaymentGuard
Create a new payment controller:
defmodule MyAppWeb.PaymentController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  use ShopifexWeb.PaymentController
Add payment routes to `router.ex`:

To manage plans, I recommend using [kaffy admin package](

Now you can protect routes or controller actions with the `Shopifex.Plug.PaymentGuard` plug. Here is an example of it in action on an admin link
defmodule MyAppWeb.AdminLinkController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  require Logger

  plug Shopifex.Plug.PaymentGuard, "premium_plan" when action in [:premium_function]
  def premium_function(conn, _params) do
    # Wow, much premium.
    |> send_resp(200, "success")