<img width="350" src="https://github.com/ericdude4/shopifex/raw/master/guides/images/logo.png" alt="Shopifex">
A simple boilerplate package for creating Shopify embedded apps with the Elixir Phoenix framework. [https://hexdocs.pm/shopifex](https://hexdocs.pm/shopifex)
## Installation
The package can be installed
by adding `shopifex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`: (note, OTP 22 or greater required)
def deps do
{:shopifex, "~> 2.2"}
## Quickstart
#### Run the install script
This will install all of the supported Shopifex features.
mix shopifex.install
Follow the output `config.ex` and `router.ex` instructions from the install script.
#### Run migrations
mix ecto.migrate
#### Update Shopify app details
Replace tunnel-url with your own where applicable.
- Set "App URL" to `https://my-app.ngrok.io/auth`
- Add `https://my-app.ngrok.io/auth/install` & `https://my-app.ngrok.io/auth/update` to your app's "Allowed redirection URL(s)"
- Add your Shopify app's API key and API secret key to `config :shopifex, api_key: "your-api-key", secret: "your-api-secret"`
## Manual Installation
Create the shop schema where the installation data will be stored:
mix phx.gen.schema Shop shops url:string access_token:string scope:string
mix ecto.migrate
Add the `:shopifex` config settings to your `config.ex`. More config details [here](https://hexdocs.pm/shopifex)
config :shopifex,
app_name: "MyApp",
shop_schema: MyApp.Shop,
web_module: MyAppWeb,
repo: MyApp.Repo,
redirect_uri: "https://myapp.ngrok.io/auth/install",
reinstall_uri: "https://myapp.ngrok.io/auth/update",
webhook_uri: "https://myapp.ngrok.io/webhook",
scopes: "read_inventory,write_inventory,read_products,write_products,read_orders",
api_key: "shopifyapikey123",
secret: "shopifyapisecret456",
webhook_topics: ["app/uninstalled"], # These are automatically subscribed on a store upon install
allowed_drift: 10_000 # session token exp/nbf tolerance in ms (defaults to 10s)
Update your `endpoint.ex` to include the custom body parser. This is necessary for HMAC validation to work.
plug Plug.Parsers,
parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json],
pass: ["*/*"],
body_reader: {ShopifexWeb.CacheBodyReader, :read_body, []},
json_decoder: Phoenix.json_library()
Add this line near the top of `router.ex` to include the Shopifex pipelines
require ShopifexWeb.Routes
Now the following pipelines are accessible:
- `:shopify_session` -> Validates request (HMAC header/param or token param) and makes session information available via `Shopifex.Plug` API. Also removes iFrame blocking headers so app can render in Shopify admin.
- `:shopify_webhook` -> Validates Shopify webhook requests HMAC and makes session information available via `Shopifex.Plug` API.
- `:shopify_admin_link` -> Validates Shopify admin link & bulk action link requests and makes session information available via `Shopifex.Plug` API.
- `:shopify_api` -> Ensures that a valid Shopify session token or Shopifex token are present in `Authorization` header. Useful for async requests between your SPA front end and Shopifex backend.
- `:shopifex_browser` -> Same as your normal `:browser` pipeline, except it calls `Shopifex.Plug.LoadInIframe`. Deprecated; does not work with Phoenix 1.6 generated apps.
Now add this basic example of these plugs in action in `router.ex`. These endpoints need to be added to your Shopify app whitelist
### Routing
# Include all auth (when Shopify requests to render your app in an iframe), installation and update routes
# Add the LoadInIframe plug to your existing :browser pipeline
pipeline :browser do
# ... Other plugs
plug Shopifex.Plug.LoadInIframe
# Endpoints accessible within the Shopify admin panel iFrame.
# Don't include this scope block if you are creating a SPA.
scope "/", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through [:browser, :shopify_session]
get "/", PageController, :index
# Make your webhook endpoint look like this
scope "/webhook", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through [:shopify_webhook]
post "/", WebhookController, :action
# Place your admin link endpoints in here
scope "/admin-links", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through [:shopify_admin_link]
get "/do-a-thing", AdminLinkController, :do_a_thing
Create a new controller called `auth_controller.ex` to handle the initial iFrame load and installation
defmodule MyAppWeb.AuthController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
use ShopifexWeb.AuthController
# Thats it! Validation, installation are now handled for you :)
# Optionally, override the `after_install` callback
def after_install(conn, shop, oauth_state) do
# TODO: send yourself an e-mail
# follow default behaviour.
super(conn, shop, oauth_state)
Setting up your application as a SPA? Read this before continuing [Single Page Applications](#single-page-applications)
create another controller called `webhook_controller.ex` to handle incoming Shopify webhooks (optional)
defmodule MyAppWeb.WebhookController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
use ShopifexWeb.WebhookController
# add as many handle_topic/3 functions here as you like! This basic one handles app uninstallation
def handle_topic(conn, shop, "app/uninstalled") do
|> send_resp(200, "success")
# Mandatory Shopify shop data erasure GDPR webhook. Simply delete the shop record
def handle_topic(conn, shop, "shop/redact") do
|> send_resp(204, "")
# Mandatory Shopify customer data erasure GDPR webhook. Simply delete the shop (customer) record
def handle_topic(conn, shop, "customers/redact") do
|> send_resp(204, "")
# Mandatory Shopify customer data request GDPR webhook.
def handle_topic(conn, _shop, "customers/data_request") do
# Send an email of the shop data to the customer.
|> send_resp(202, "Accepted")
## Maintaining session between page loads for server-rendered applications
As browsers continue to restrict cookies, cookies become more unreliable as a method for maintaining a session within an iFrame. To address this, Shopify recommends passing a JWT session token back and forth between requests.
Shopifex makes a token accessible with `Shopifex.Plug.session_token(conn)` in any request which passes through a `:shopify_*` router pipeline.
Ensure there is a `token` parameter sent along in any requests which you would like to maintain session between.
EEx template link:
<%= link "home", to: Routes.page_path(@conn, :index, %{token: Shopifex.Plug.session_token(conn)}) %>
EEx template form:
<%= form_for :foo, Routes.foo_path(MyApp.Endpoint, :new, %{token: Shopifex.Plug.session_token(@conn)}), fn f -> %>
<%= submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>
## Update app permissions
You can also update the app permissions after installation. To do so, first you have to add `your-redirect-url.com/auth/update` to Shopify's whitelist.
To add e.g. the `read_customers` scope, you can do so by redirecting them to the following example url:
## Add payment guards to routes
This system allows you to use the `Shopifex.Plug.PaymentGuard` plug. If the merchant does not have an active grant associated with the named guard, it will redirect them to a plan selection page, allow them to pay, and handle the payment callback all automatically. I am working on the admin panel where you can register Plan objects which grant `premium_plan` (for example) - but for now these need to be entered manually into the database.
Generate the schemas
`mix phx.gen.schema Shops.Plan plans name:string price:string features:array:string grants:array:string test:boolean usages:integer type:string`
`mix phx.gen.schema Shops.Grant grants shop_id:references:shops charge_id:integer grants:array:string remaining_usages:integer total_usages:integer`
Add the config options:
config :my_app,
payment_guard: MyApp.Shops.PaymentGuard,
grant_schema: MyApp.Shops.Grant,
plan_schema: MyApp.Shops.Plan,
payment_redirect_uri: "https://myapp.ngrok.io/payment/complete"
Serve the Shopifex assets for the plans selection page. Add the following to `endpoint.ex`:
# Serve at "/shopifex-assets" the static files from shopifex.
plug Plug.Static,
at: "/shopifex-assets",
from: :shopifex,
gzip: false,
only: ~w(css fonts images js favicon.ico robots.txt)
Create the payment guard module:
defmodule MyApp.Shops.PaymentGuard do
use Shopifex.PaymentGuard
Create a new payment controller:
defmodule MyAppWeb.PaymentController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
use ShopifexWeb.PaymentController
Add payment routes to `router.ex`:
To manage plans, I recommend using [kaffy admin package](https://github.com/aesmail/kaffy)
Now you can protect routes or controller actions with the `Shopifex.Plug.PaymentGuard` plug. Here is an example of it in action on an admin link
defmodule MyAppWeb.AdminLinkController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
require Logger
plug Shopifex.Plug.PaymentGuard, "premium_plan" when action in [:premium_function]
def premium_function(conn, _params) do
shop = Shopifex.Plug.current_shop(conn)
# Wow, much premium.
|> send_resp(200, "Hi there, #{shop.url}!")
### Single Page Applications
SPA Shopify applications are also supported with Shopifex for developers who wish to host their front-end application separately from the back-end. This approach takes advantage of [Shopify session tokens](https://shopify.dev/concepts/apps/building-embedded-apps-using-session-tokens).
Adjust your `router.ex` file. You may notice some routes are no longer necessary compared to the quick-start guide.
# These routes will take care of installation/update
# API routes for your SPA to hit with the axios instance
scope "/api", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through [:shopify_api]
# An endpoint which your SPA can call on load to get whatever initialization data your app needs.
# The options macro is required to allow CORS requests on the route.
options "/initialize", AuthController, :initialize
get "/initialize", AuthController, :initialize
# Add authenticated routes here as needed.
And for that `/initialize` endpoint, consider this adjustment to `MyAppWeb.AuthController` and update based on your needs. Perhaps you also want to serialize and return some more information needed by your SPA at startup.
defmodule MyAppWeb.AuthController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
use ShopifexWeb.AuthController
def initialize(conn, _params) do
shop = Guardian.Plug.current_resource(conn)
render(conn, "initialize.json", %{shop: shop})
Now, [integrate Shopify session tokens into the Axios instance of your SPA.](https://shopify.dev/tutorials/use-session-tokens-with-axios)
Then from your SPA:
import createApp from '@shopify/app-bridge';
// Import your Shopify session_token axios instance based on the Shopify session token axios instructions
import instance from './axios-instance';
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const shopOrigin = urlParams.get('shop');
window.app = createApp({
// Use your axios instance to call the /api/initialize endpoint
const sessionData = await instance.get('/api/initialize');
// Now you will have access to the current shop and Bob's-yer-uncle!