# ShortDef

The library adds short syntax for maps as well as in-place guards definitions.

Basically, allows you to write `%{x}` instead of `%{x: x}` and `%MyStruct{x}` instead of
`%MyStruct{x: x}`.

defmodule S do
  defstruct [:x, :y]
  use ShortDef

  def f(%S{x, y: y}), do: {x, y}

Works **only** in function definitions, for globally-defined functions (with `def`).

You can also define guards inline:

defmodule M do
  use ShortDef

  # Equivalent to
  # def is_bounded(list, len) when is_list(list) and is_integer(len)
  def is_bounded(is_list(list), is_integer(len)) do
    length(list) < len

Works **only** for guards, the builtin ones or defined with `defguard`.

You can combine these features too:

def f(%{is_integer(x)}) do

The library is 100% syntactic sugar with 0% semantics.

## Similar libs


## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `shortdef` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:shortdef, "~> 0.1.0"}

Docs can be found at [](