# Sidewalk
Sidewalk is an Elixir client which is compatible with Sidekiq, the »simple, efficient background processing library for Ruby«.
It can be used to enqueue jobs for later processing alongside e.g. with an already existing Ruby application.
For more information about Sidekiq please refer to

To use Sidewalk you need to create a `%Sidewalk.Job{}` and enqueue it with one of the enqueue functions.

## Supported features
* Redis namespaces as already known with Sidekiq
* Ability to configure the Redis server and connection details
* Enqueuing jobs to be executed immediately
* Enqueuing jobs to be executed in X seconds
* Enqueuing jobs to be executed at a specific time

## Installation
1. Add `sidewalk` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
    [{:sidewalk, "~> 0.3.0"}]

2. Ensure `sidewalk` is started before your application:

  def application do
    [applications: [:sidewalk]]

3. Fetch dependencies

  mix deps.get

## Configuration

config :sidewalk,
  host: "localhost",
  port: 6379,
  password: "you password",
  namespace: "your_namespace",
  database: 0,
  pool_size: 10

## Usage
Sidewalk offers three modes for enqueuing jobs:

#### 1. Enqueuing a job with an immediate execution

job = %Sidewalk.Job{class: "MyWorker", args: ['bob', 1, %{foo: 'bar'}]}
{:ok, jid} = Sidewalk.Client.enqueue(job) # => jid: "2f87a952ced00ea6cdd61245"

#### 2. Enqueuing a job with a delayed execution defined in seconds

# The time when the job should be executed is defined in seconds

job = %Sidewalk.Job{class: "MyWorker", args: ['bob', 1, %{foo: 'bar'}]}
{:ok, jid} = Sidewalk.Client.enqueue_in(job, 120) # => jid: "a805893e8bd98bf965d1dd54"

#### 3. Enqueuing a job to be executed at a specific time

# The time when the job should be executed is defined as a unix timestamp

job = %Sidewalk.Job{class: "MyWorker", args: ['bob', 1, %{foo: 'bar'}]}
{:ok, jid} = Sidewalk.Client.enqueue_at(job, 1546293600) # => jid: "d6ceac7d6c42d35ff6cac8a0"

## License