# simdjsone
An implementation of the fastest JSON parser for Erlang/Elixir using the C++
[simdjson](https://github.com/simdjson/simdjson) NIF library. The decoding speed
of this parser is about 2.5 times faster than `jiffy`.
See [full documentation](https://simdjson.github.io/simdjson/index.html) of the C++ library.
Only a subset of functionality is implemented:
- Ability to decode JSON terms using a main scheduler or a dirty scheduler
based on the size of JSON binary input.
- Ability to cache the decoded term, and access its key/value pairs using
a NIF based `simdjson:get/2` function.
- The resources stored in the cache will get automatically garbage collected
when the owner process dies.
For small JSON objects `simdjsone` is about twice faster than
[jiffy](https://github.com/davisp/jiffy) and for large JSON objects, it's about
30% faster than `jiffy`.
### Decoding
The following decoding options are supported in `decode(String, Options)`:
- `return_maps` - decode JSON object as map (this is default)
- `object_as_tuple` - decode JSON object as a proplist wrapped in a tuple
- `dedup_keys` - eliminate duplicate keys from a JSON object
- `use_nil` - decode JSON "null" as `nil`
- `{null_term, V}` - use the given value `V` for a JSON "null"
### Encoding
The following encoding options are supported in `encode(String, Options)`:
- `uescape` - escape UTF-8 sequences to produce a 7-bit clean output
- `pretty` - return JSON using two-space indentation
- `use_nil` - encode the atom `nil` as `null`
- `escape_fwd_slash` - escape the `/` character (useful when encoding URLs)
- `{bytes_per_red, N}` - where `N` >= 0 - This controls the number of bytes
that the NIF library will process as an equivalent to a reduction. Each 20
reductions we consume 1% of our allocated time slice for the current process.
When the Erlang VM indicates we need to return from the NIF.
**NOTE**: Since the simdjson library currently doen't have an implementation of
a JSON encoder, the encoding implementation is the jiffy's modified encoder
optimized for speed when encoding integers.
The implementation includes `simdjson:int_to_bin/1` function that is about 30%
faster than `erlang:integer_to_binary/1`, but it's limited to integers in range:
`(-1 bsl 63) <= I <= (1 bsl 62)`.
## Author
Serge Aleynikov
## Installation
Include the following dependency in your project.
Erlang (`rebar.config`):
{deps, [{simdjsone, "0.1"}]}.
Elixir (`mix.exs`):
def deps() do
[{:simdjsone, "~> 0.2"}]
## Build
$ make deps compile
$ MIX_ENV=dev make deps compile
## Simple JSON decoding
1> simdjson:decode("{\"a\": [1,2,3], \"b\": 123, \"c\": 12.234}").
#{<<"a">> => [1,2,3],<<"b">> => 123,<<"c">> => 12.234}
## Cached JSON decoding
After calling the `simdjson:parse/1`, the function `simdjson:get/2`
returns the value stored in a given path:
1> Ref = simdjson:parse("{\"a\": [1,2,3], \"b\": 123, \"c\": 12.234}").
2> simdjson:get(Ref, "/a").
3> simdjson:get(Ref, "/b").
4> simdjson:get(Ref, "/a/c").
## JSON encoding
1> simdjson:encode(#{a => [1,2,3], <<"b">> => 123, c => 12.234}).
2> simdjson:encode({[{a, [1,2,3]}, {<<"b">>, 123}, {c, 12.234}]}).
## Performance Benchmark
To run the performance benchmark of `simdjsone` against
[jiffy](https://hex.pm/packages/jiffy) and [thoas](https://hex.pm/packages/thoas)
do the following (prefix the command with `CXX=clang++` for using Clang C++
$ make benchmark
=== Benchmark (file size: 616.7K) ===
simdjsone: 2526.420us
euneus: 5314.820us
thoas: 5452.380us
json: 5541.130us
jiffy: 10182.650us
=== Benchmark (file size: 1.3K) ===
simdjsone: 6.940us
thoas: 8.270us
euneus: 9.790us
json: 10.000us
jiffy: 16.640us
=== Benchmark (file size: 0.1K) ===
simdjsone: 1.930us
euneus: 2.300us
json: 2.500us
jiffy: 2.770us
thoas: 2.830us
If you have Elixir installed, the project also includes a benchmark for the
[jason](https://hex.pm/packages/jason) and
[poison](https://hex.pm/packages/poison) Elixir parsers. The Elixir benchmarks
are more exhaustive:
$ MIX_ENV=test make benchmark
=== Benchmark (file size: 616.7K) ===
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
simdjsone 344.00 2.91 ms ±18.13% 2.63 ms 4.82 ms
poison 154.88 6.46 ms ±10.31% 6.25 ms 9.96 ms
jason 153.87 6.50 ms ±11.37% 6.30 ms 10.18 ms
thaos 147.71 6.77 ms ±11.53% 6.52 ms 10.64 ms
euneus 142.47 7.02 ms ±22.71% 6.50 ms 13.47 ms
jiffy 78.74 12.70 ms ±12.83% 12.52 ms 21.65 ms
simdjsone 344.00
poison 154.88 - 2.22x slower +3.55 ms
jason 153.87 - 2.24x slower +3.59 ms
thaos 147.71 - 2.33x slower +3.86 ms
euneus 142.47 - 2.41x slower +4.11 ms
jiffy 78.74 - 4.37x slower +9.79 ms
Memory usage statistics:
Name Memory usage
simdjsone 0.00153 MB
poison 1.84 MB - 1200.09x memory usage +1.84 MB
jason 1.81 MB - 1182.38x memory usage +1.81 MB
thaos 1.81 MB - 1182.31x memory usage +1.81 MB
euneus 1.87 MB - 1219.47x memory usage +1.87 MB
jiffy 3.19 MB - 2077.98x memory usage +3.19 MB
**All measurements for memory usage were the same**
=== Benchmark (file size: 1.3K) ===
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
simdjsone 177.77 K 5.63 μs ±187.84% 4.90 μs 16.90 μs
euneus 101.90 K 9.81 μs ±94.81% 9 μs 22.30 μs
poison 98.29 K 10.17 μs ±87.43% 9.40 μs 23.30 μs
jason 95.18 K 10.51 μs ±99.89% 9.50 μs 30.70 μs
jiffy 88.49 K 11.30 μs ±259.91% 9.30 μs 32.60 μs
thaos 84.36 K 11.85 μs ±57.49% 10.90 μs 25.90 μs
simdjsone 177.77 K
euneus 101.90 K - 1.74x slower +4.19 μs
poison 98.29 K - 1.81x slower +4.55 μs
jason 95.18 K - 1.87x slower +4.88 μs
jiffy 88.49 K - 2.01x slower +5.68 μs
thaos 84.36 K - 2.11x slower +6.23 μs
Memory usage statistics:
Name Memory usage
simdjsone 1.57 KB
euneus 5.22 KB - 3.32x memory usage +3.65 KB
poison 5.57 KB - 3.55x memory usage +4 KB
jason 5.29 KB - 3.37x memory usage +3.72 KB
jiffy 1.55 KB - 0.99x memory usage -0.01563 KB
thaos 5.22 KB - 3.32x memory usage +3.65 KB
**All measurements for memory usage were the same**
=== Benchmark (file size: 0.1K) ===
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
simdjsone 820.20 K 1.22 μs ±1445.57% 1.10 μs 3.30 μs
poison 576.53 K 1.73 μs ±1017.41% 1.40 μs 4.00 μs
thaos 489.07 K 2.04 μs ±1003.95% 1.80 μs 4.70 μs
euneus 483.75 K 2.07 μs ±624.18% 1.80 μs 4.70 μs
jason 435.99 K 2.29 μs ±752.86% 2 μs 5.70 μs
jiffy 311.21 K 3.21 μs ±652.57% 2.50 μs 9.10 μs
simdjsone 820.20 K
poison 576.53 K - 1.42x slower +0.52 μs
thaos 489.07 K - 1.68x slower +0.83 μs
euneus 483.75 K - 1.70x slower +0.85 μs
jason 435.99 K - 1.88x slower +1.07 μs
jiffy 311.21 K - 2.64x slower +1.99 μs
Memory usage statistics:
Name Memory usage
simdjsone 0.50 KB
poison 1.32 KB - 2.64x memory usage +0.82 KB
thaos 1.20 KB - 2.41x memory usage +0.70 KB
euneus 1.20 KB - 2.41x memory usage +0.70 KB
jason 1.27 KB - 2.55x memory usage +0.77 KB
jiffy 1.46 KB - 2.92x memory usage +0.96 KB
**All measurements for memory usage were the same**
## TODO:
- Add support for `iterator`
- Add support for `iterate_many` and `parse_many`