# simple-rijndael for Elixir

A binding to the PurePeace's simple-rijndael Rust crate for Elixir.

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## Motivation

AES has removed the block size of 256 bits from the standard and if a old system is using it AES willn't work (my case) and there's no Rijndael implementations in Erlang or Elixir.

## Installation

**Warning:** You will need the [Rust compiler]( to compile this package.

This package has been published in []( and you can use it with:

def deps do
    {:simple_rijndael, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

key = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(32)
iv = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(32)

# Padding options:
#   :pkcs7
#   :zero
{:ok, cipher} = SimpleRijndael.init_cbc_mode(key, 32, :pkcs7)

data = "Hello, World!"

{:ok, encrypted} = SimpleRijndael.encrypt(cipher, iv, data)

{:ok, decrypted} = SimpleRijndael.decrypt(cipher, iv, encrypted)

# If an error occour, will be one of the following returns:
#   {:error, :invalid_data_size}
#   {:error, :invalid_key_size}
#   {:error, :invalid_block_size}
# Or an exception of ErlangError with reason == nil and original == :nif_panicked
## Credits

**Simple Rijndael for Elixir** is a project by [Nashira Deer](, licensed under [MIT License](