# Simplex

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An Elixir library for interacting with the [Amazon SimpleDB]( API.

Requires Elixir ~> 1.0.0

## Installation

Install the []( package

1. Add simplex to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

    def deps do
        {:simplex, "0.1.2"}

2. Add `:simplex` to your application dependencies:

    def application do
      [applications: [:simplex]]

#### AWS Keys

To communicate with the SimpleDB API you'll need to provide your AWS Access and Secret keys.

There are two ways to provide your keys to the Simplex library:

1. Set them from within your application
    Simplex.aws_access_key "your-access-key"
    Simplex.aws_secret_access_key "your-secret-access-key"

2. Set them as the environment variables `SIMPLEX_AWS_ACCESS_KEY` and `SIMPLEX_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`
    SIMPLEX_AWS_ACCESS_KEY=your-access-key SIMPLEX_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your-secret-access-key iex -S mix

3. If not provided by the above two methods Simplex will attempt to retrieve keys from [instance metadata]( if it's running in EC2 and you launched your instance with an IAM role with permission to access SimpleDB.

#### SimpleDB URL

By default Simplex will send all requests to the us-east-1 SimpleDB url: ``. If you want to use a [different region]( you can change the url by:

1. Setting it from within your application
    Simplex.simpledb_url ""

2. Set it as the environment variable `SIMPLEX_SIMPLEDB_URL`

## Responses

Simplex will respond to SimpleDB requests with a 3 element tuple, either `{:ok, result, response}` or `{:error, messages, response}`

#### %Simplex.Response{}

A Simplex response (third element of the tuple above) has the following fields:

1. body: A Map containing the parsed body of the response
2. status_code: The HTTP status code of the response
3. headers: The response headers
4. raw_body: The raw string of the response body. (XML)

#### Pattern Matching

You can pattern match to determine how to handle the response:

  case Simplex.Domains.create "new_domain" do
    {:ok, result, response} ->
      # some happy path stuff here
    {:error, messages, response} ->
      # handle problems

## Domains

[Create]( a new domain.

  Simplex.Domains.create "new_domain"

[List]( domains.


  Simplex.Domains.list(%{"MaxNumberOfDomains" => "10", "NextToken" => "token-from-previous-list-response"})

[Delete]( a domain.

  Simplex.Domains.delete "domain_to_delete"

## Attributes

[Get]( attributes of an item.

  Simplex.Attributes.get("your_domain", "your_item_name")

  Simplex.Attributes.get("your_domain", "your_item_name", %{"AttributeName" => "some_attribute", "ConsistentRead" => "true"})

[Put]( attributes on an item (or create a new item).

  # Attribute values can be strings, lists of strings, or a
  # two-element tuple of :replace and a string or list of strings
  # The replace tuple indicates that the value should replace the existing
  # value for that attribute, rather than be added to its values

                         %{"some_key"        => "some_value",
                           "another_key"     => ["a", "list", "of", "values"],
                           "yet_another_key" => {:replace, "a value to replace the existing value(s) of yet_another_key"},
                           "one_last_key     => {:replace, ["values", "to", "replace", "one_last_key's", "previous", "value(s)"]}})

  # put "some_value" in the "some_key" attribute only if
  # "other_key" has the "other_value" value
                         %{"some_key" => "some_value"},
                         %{"Name" => "other_key", "Value" => "other_value"})

[Delete]( attributes on an item (or delete an item).

  # Delete the "some_value" value from the "some_key" attribute
                            %{"some_key" => "some_value"})

  # Delete "your_item_name" if it doesn't have the "some_key" attribute
                            %{"Name" => "some_key", "Exists" => "false"})

## Select

[Select]( attributes from items matching an expression.

  ````elixir"select * from your_domain where some_key = 'some_value'")


#### TODO:

1. Implement [BatchDeleteAttributes](, [BatchPutAttributes](, and [DomainMetadata](
2. Docs
3. [Retries and Exponential Backoff](
4. Implement Select.select_all / Domains.list_all (automatically follow next_token to load more results if present)