# simplifile
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Simplifile provides synchronous operations for working with files and directories that work for all
non-browser targets (Erlang, Node, Deno, and Bun).
## When should I use `simplifile`?
Simplifile makes a simple tradeoff: it confines itself to a subset of purely synchronous file/directory utilities
so that it can have one API for all targets. Erlang and JavaScript have fundamentally different concurrency
models, so bindings to async code will simply be different for different targets.
You *should* use simplifile if
1. The same code running on JS and Erlang targets is important
2. Sync file operations will not be a major performance bottleneck (dev tooling, configuration, scripting, etc.)
3. You just wanna do some basic file operations and get on with life
If you think you need a different solutions, these projects may be helpful:
[File streams (erlang target)](https://github.com/richard-viney/file_streams)
## Example
let filepath = "./test/hello.txt"
let assert Ok(_) = "Hello, World" |> write(to: filepath)
let assert Ok(_) = "Goodbye, Mars" |> append(to: filepath)
let assert Ok("Hello, WorldGoodbye, Mars") = read(from: filepath)
let assert Ok(_) = delete(filepath)
let assert Error(_) = read(from: filepath)
## Installation
If available on Hex this package can be added to your Gleam project:
gleam add simplifile
and its documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/simplifile>.
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! The best way to start for medium to large features is by opening an issue with
the feature suggestion, otherwise feel free to just make a PR!
Code contributions should include tests. Please make sure tests pass on all supported targets
(you can run the test.sh file in the top level of the project to run tests for each target).
Please also include an entry in the Unreleased section of the changelog.