# singularity

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Singularity is a registry for shared singleton actors, in Gleam.

When an actor's process exits, it will be removed from the registry
automatically.  Fetching an actor using the [require](#require) function
will block until that actor has been registered.  These two properties
allow OTP supervisors to start your actors only when their dependencies
are ready.

## Usage

gleam add gleam_erlang
gleam add gleam_otp
gleam add singularity

### Basic Example

This example should compile and makes a good starting point for experimentation.

import gleam/erlang/process.{type Subject}
import gleam/otp/actor
import singularity

type MsgA

type MsgB

type Actors {

pub fn main() {
  let assert Ok(registry) = singularity.start()

  // Create a couple dummy actors, having unique message types.
  let assert Ok(actor_a) =
    actor.start(Nil, fn(_msg: MsgA, state) { actor.continue(state) })
  let assert Ok(actor_b) =
    actor.start(Nil, fn(_msg: MsgB, state) { actor.continue(state) })

  // Register the actors specifying the wrapper (`Actors`) variant.
  // Note that the `subject` argument is not wrapped in the Actors
  // type here.
  singularity.register(with: registry, key: ActorA, subject: actor_a)
  singularity.register(with: registry, key: ActorB, subject: actor_b)

  // Retrieve and verify registered actors.  These are wrapped.
  let assert ActorA(got_a) =
    singularity.require(from: registry, key: ActorA, timeout_ms: 1000)
  let assert ActorB(got_b) =
    singularity.require(from: registry, key: ActorB, timeout_ms: 1000)


## Supervisor Example

This is an abstract example to illustrate usage within a supervisor.

import gleam/erlang/process
import gleam/otp/supervisor
import gleam/result
import singularity
import inner_actor
import outer_actor

pub type Actor {

pub fn main() {
  let assert Ok(registry) = singularity.start()

  // Create worker init functions.
  let inner_child =
    supervisor.worker(fn(_state) {
      // Inner has no dependencies, start and register it.
      |>, Inner, subject: _))

  let clock_child =
    supervisor.worker(fn(_state) {
      // Outer depends on Inner, fetch it.
      let assert Inner(inner) =
        singularity.require(registry, Inner, timeout_ms: 5000)

      // Start and register Outer.
      |>, Outer, subject: _))

  // Start the supervisor.
  let assert Ok(_) =
        argument: Nil,
        frequency_period: 1,
        max_frequency: 5,
        init: fn(children) {
          |> supervisor.add(inner_child)
          |> supervisor.add(clock_child)

  let assert Outer(outer) =
    singularity.require(registry, Outer, timeout_ms: 5000)


Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Development

gleam test  # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell