# Sitemap
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Generating sitemap.xml
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add sitemap to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:sitemap, "~> 1.0"}]
2. Ensure sitemap is started before your application:
def application do
[extra_applications: [:sitemap]]
#### Usage
sitemap helps you define a module with a `generate` function which will build a sitemap for your site. You must decide how to call `generate` - via a manual Mix task, a recurring background job, or whatever you choose.
The resulting sitemap is currently written to a file. Because some web hosts do not support writing to the filesystem, we plan to support uploading to S3 in the future.
You can always specify your own adapter module with a `write/2` function and persist the sitemaps wherever you like.
###### Basic
defmodule Sitemaps do
use Sitemap
def generate do
create do
# list each URL that should be included
add "path1", priority: 0.5, changefreq: "hourly", expires: nil, mobile: true
# ...
# notify search engines (currently Google and Bing) of the updated sitemap
###### With Phoenix
defmodule Sitemaps do
alias MyApp.{Endpoint, Router.Helpers}
use Sitemap,
host: "http://#{Application.get_env(:myapp, Endpoint)[:url][:host]}",
files_path: "priv/static/sitemaps/",
public_path: "sitemaps/"
def generate do
create do
# list each URL that should be included, using your application's routes
add Helpers.entry_path(Endpoint, :index), priority: 0.5, changefreq: "hourly", expires: nil
add Helpers.entry_path(Endpoint, :about), priority: 0.5, changefreq: "hourly", expires: nil
# ...
# notify search engines (currently Google and Bing) of the updated sitemap
#### Ways to set sitemap's options
###### Set options via the `use` statement
defmodule Sitemaps do
use Sitemap, compress: false, host: "http://example.com"
def generate do
create do
add "path1", priority: 0.5, changefreq: "hourly"
add "path2", priority: 0.5, changefreq: "hourly"
###### Set options via arguments to `create`
defmodule Sitemaps do
use Sitemap
def generate do
create compress: false, host: "http://example.com" do
add "path1", priority: 0.5, changefreq: "hourly"
add "path2", priority: 0.5, changefreq: "hourly"
###### Set options via `Mix` config
use Mix.Config
config :sitemap, [
compress: false,
host: "http://example.com",
###### Set options via environment variables
SITEMAP_COMPRESS=false SITEMAP_HOST=http://example.com mix run ./sitemap.exs
And you guys should follow mix task documents, here:
- https://hexdocs.pm/mix/Mix.Tasks.Run.html
- https://hexdocs.pm/mix/Mix.Task.html
##### Available options
| Name | Default Value | Environment | - |
| max_sitemap_files | 10000 | SITEMAP_MAXFILES | Max sitemap links per index file |
| max_sitemap_links | 10000 | SITEMAP_MAXLINKS | Max links per sitemap |
| max_sitemap_news | 1000 | SITEMAP_MAXNEWS | Max news sitemap per index_file |
| max_sitemap_images | 1000 | SITEMAP_MAXIMAGES | Max images per url |
| max_sitemap_filesize | 5000000 | SITEMAP_MAXFILESIZE | Bytes |
| host | http://www.example.com | SITEMAP_HOST | Your domain, also host with http scheme. |
| filename | sitemap | SITEMAP_FILENAME | Name of sitemap file. |
| files_path | sitemap | SITEMAP_SITEMAPS_PATH | After domain path's location on URL. |
| public_path | sitemap | SITEMAP_PUBLIC_PATH | Write sitemap files to this local path. |
| adapter | Sitemap.Adapters.File | SITEMAP_ADAPTER | You'd change to write each filesystem |
| verbose | true | SITEMAP_VERBOSE | Getting more information in sitemap working. |
| compress | true | SITEMAP_COMPRESS | Gzip compression. |
| create_index | auto | SITEMAP_CREATE_INDEX | Generating sitemps to this directory path. |
### Features
Current Features or To-Do
- [x] [Supports: generate kind of some sitemaps](#supports-generate-kind-of-some-sitemaps)
- [x] [News Sitemaps](#news-sitemaps)
- [x] [Image Sitemaps](#image-sitemaps)
- [x] [Video Sitemaps](#video-sitemaps)
- [x] [Alternate Links](#alternate-links)
- [x] [Geo Sitemaps](#geo-sitemaps)
- [x] [Mobile Sitemaps](#mobile-sitemaps)
- [x] [PageMap Sitemap](#pagemap-sitemap)
- [ ] Supports: write some kind of filesystem and object storage.
- [x] Filesystem
- [ ] S3
- [x] Customizable sitemap working
- [x] Notifies search engines (Google, Bing) of new sitemaps
- [x] Gives you complete control over your sitemap contents and naming scheme
- [x] Customizable sitemap compression
- [ ] Intelligent sitemap indexing
- [ ] All of completing Examples
## Supports: generate kind of some sitemaps
### News Sitemaps
defmodule Sitemaps do
use Sitemap, compress: false, host: "http://example.com"
def generate do
create do
add "index.html", news: [
publication_name: "Example",
publication_language: "en",
title: "My Article",
keywords: "my article, articles about myself",
stock_tickers: "SAO:PETR3",
publication_date: "2011-08-22",
access: "Subscription",
genres: "PressRelease"
###### Generated Result
<news:title>My Article</news:title>
<news:keywords>my article, articles about myself</news:keywords>
Look at [Creating a Google News Sitemap](https://support.google.com/news/publisher/answer/74288) as required.
### Image sitemaps
defmodule Sitemaps do
use Sitemap, compress: false, host: "http://example.com"
def generate do
create do
add "index.html", images: [
loc: "http://example.com/image.jpg",
caption: "Caption",
title: "Title",
license: "https://github.com/ikeikeikeike/sitemap/blob/master/LICENSE",
geo_location: "Limerick, Ireland",
###### Generated Result
<image:geo_location>Limerick, Ireland</image:geo_location>
Look at [Image sitemaps](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/178636) as required.
### Video sitemaps
defmodule Sitemaps do
use Sitemap, compress: true, host: "http://example.com"
def generate do
create do
add "index.html", videos: [
thumbnail_loc: "http://www.example.com/thumbs/123.jpg",
title: "Grilling steaks for summer",
description: "Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time",
content_loc: "http://www.example.com/video123.flv",
player_loc: "http://www.example.com/videoplayer.swf?video=123",
allow_embed: true,
autoplay: true,
duration: 600,
expiration_date: "2009-11-05T19:20:30+08:00",
publication_date: "2007-11-05T19:20:30+08:00",
rating: 0.5,
view_count: 1000,
tags: ~w(tag1 tag2 tag3),
tag: "tag4",
category: "Category",
family_friendly: true,
restriction: "IE GB US CA",
relationship: true,
gallery_loc: "http://cooking.example.com",
gallery_title: "Cooking Videos",
price: "1.99",
price_currency: "EUR",
price_type: "own",
price_resolution: "HD",
uploader: "GrillyMcGrillerson",
uploader_info: "http://www.example.com/users/grillymcgrillerson",
live: true,
requires_subscription: false
###### Generated Result
<video:title>Grilling steaks for summer</video:title>
<video:description>Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time</video:description>
<video:player_loc allow_embed="yes" autoplay="ap=1">http://www.example.com/videoplayer.swf?video=123</video:player_loc>
<video:gallery_loc title="Cooking Videos">http://cooking.example.com</video:gallery_loc>
<video:restriction relationship="allow">IE GB US CA</video:restriction>
<video:uploader info="http://www.example.com/users/grillymcgrillerson">GrillyMcGrillerson</video:uploader>
<video:price currency="EUR" resolution="HD" type="own">1.99</video:price>
Look at [Video sitemaps](https://developers.google.com/webmasters/videosearch/sitemaps#adding-video-content-to-a-sitemap) as required.
### Alternate Links
defmodule Sitemaps do
use Sitemap, compress: true, host: "http://example.com"
def generate do
create do
add "index.html", alternates: [
href: "http://www.example.de/index.html",
lang: "de",
nofollow: true,
media: "only screen and (max-width: 640px)"
###### Generated Result
<xhtml:link href="http://www.example.de/index.html" hreflang="de" media="only screen and (max-width: 640px)" rel="alternate nofollow"/>
Look at [Alternate Links](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/2620865) as required.
### Geo Sitemaps
defmodule Sitemaps do
use Sitemap, compress: true, host: "http://example.com"
def generate do
create do
add "geo.html", alternates: [
format: "kml"
###### Generated Result
Look at [Geo Sitemaps](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/94555) as required.
### Mobile Sitemaps
defmodule Sitemaps do
use Sitemap, compress: true, host: "http://example.com"
def generate do
create do
add "mobile.html", priority: 0.5, changefreq: "hourly", mobile: true
###### Generated Result
Look at [Mobile Sitemaps](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6082207) as required.
### PageMap sitemap
defmodule Sitemaps do
use Sitemap, compress: true, host: "http://example.com"
def generate do
create do
add "pagemap.html", pagemap: [
dataobjects: [[
type: "document",
id: "hibachi",
attributes: [
[name: "name", value: "Dragon"],
[name: "review", value: "3.5"],
###### Generated Result
<DataObject id="hibachi" type="document">
<Attribute name="name">Dragon</Attribute>
<Attribute name="review">3.5</Attribute>
Look at [PageMap sitemap](https://developers.google.com/custom-search/docs/structured_data#addtositemaps) as required.
### Additional links into the Sitemap Index
create do
add_to_index "/mysitemap1.xml.gz"
add_to_index "/alternatemap.xml"
add_to_index "/changehost.xml.gz", host: "http://something.com"
add ...
add ....
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<sitemapindex xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemalocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/siteindex.xsd" xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
### Known issue
- [Compilation error with ** (EXIT) no process](https://github.com/ikeikeikeike/sitemap/issues/5#issue-200979852)
### Inspired by
- [sitemap_generator](http://github.com/kjvarga/sitemap_generator)
- [go-sitemap-generator](http://github.com/ikeikeikeike/go-sitemap-generator)