# Skema

Phoenix request params validation library.

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- [Skema](#skema)
    - [Why Skema](#why-skema)
    - [Installation](#installation)
    - [Usage](#usage)
    - [Define schema](#define-schema)
        - [Default value](#default-value)
        - [Custom cast function](#custom-cast-function)
            - [1. Custom cast function accept value only](#1-custom-cast-fuction-accept-value-only)
            - [2. Custom cast function accept value and current object](#2-custom-cast-function-accept-value-and-current-object)
            - [3.Custom cast function accept tuple {M, f}](#3custom-cast-function-accept-tuple-m-f)
        - [Nested schema](#nested-schema)
    - [Transform data](#transform-data)
        - [Field name alias](#field-name-alias)
        - [Convert data](#convert-data)
    - [Validation](#validation)
    - [Contributors](#contributors)

## Why Skema
    - Reduce code boilerplate 
    - Shorter schema definition
    - Default function which generate value each casting time
    - Custom validation functions
    - Custom parse functions
## Installation

[Available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `skema` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:skema, "~> 1.0.0"}

## Usage

**Process order**
> Cast data -> validate casted data -> transform data

@index_params_schema  %{
    keyword: :string,
    status: [type: :string, required: true],
    group_id: [type: :integer, number: [greater_than: 0]],
    name: [type: :string, from: :another_field]

def index(conn, params) do
    with {:ok, better_params} <- Skema.cast(params, @index_params_schema) do
        # do anything with your params
        {:error, errors} -> # return params error

## Define schema

Schema is just a map and it can be nested. Each field is defined as

`<field_name>: [<field_spec>, ...]`

Or short form

`<field_name>: <type>`

Field specs is a keyword list thay may include:

- `type` is required, `Skema` support same data type as `Ecto`. I borrowed code from Ecto
- `default`: default value or default function
- `cast_func`: custom cast function
- `number, format, length, in, not_in, func, required, each` are available validations
- `from`: use value from another field
- `as`: alias key you will receive from `Skema.cast` if casting is succeeded

### Default value
You can define a default value for a field if it's missing from the params.

schema = %{
    status: [type: :string, default: "pending"]

Or you can define a default value as a function. This function is evaluated when `Skema.cast` gets invoked.

schema = %{
    date: [type: :utc_datetime, default: &]

### Custom cast function
You can define your own casting function, `skema` provide `cast_func` option.
Your `cast_func` must follows this spec 

#### 1. Custom cast fuction accept value only

fn(any) :: {:ok, any} | {:error, binary} | :error

def my_array_parser(value) do
    if is_binary(value) do
        ids = 
            String.split(value, ",")
        {:ok, ids}
        {:error, "Invalid string"

schema = %{
    user_id: [type: {:array, :integer}, cast_func: &my_array_parser/1]

Skema.cast(%{user_id: "1,2,3"}, schema)
This is a demo parser function.

#### 2. Custom cast function accept value and current object

data = %{
   name: "tada",
   bold: true

schema = %{
    name: [type: :string, cast_func: fn value, data -> 
        {:ok, (if data.bold, do: String.upcase(value), else: value)}

Skema.cast(data, schema)

# > %{name: "TADA"}

#### 3.Custom cast function accept tuple {M, f}

Your cast function must accept 2 arguments

defmodule MyModule do
    def upcase(value, data) do
        {:ok, (if data.bold, do: String.upcase(value), else: value)}

data = %{
   name: "tada",
   bold: true

schema = %{
    name: [type: :string, cast_func: {MyModule, :upcase}]

Skema.cast(data, schema)

# > %{name: "TADA"}

### Nested schema
With `Skema` you can parse and validate nested map and list easily

@my_schema %{
    status: :string,
    pagination: %{
        page: [type: :integer, number: [min: 1]],
        size: [type: :integer, number: [min: 10, max: 100"]]

Or nested list schema

@user_schema %{
    name: :string,
    email: [type: :string, required: true]
    addresses: [type: {:array, %{
        street: :string,
        district: :string,
        city: :string

## Validation

`Skema` uses `Valdi` validation library. You can read more about [Valdi here](
Basically it supports following validation

- validate inclusion/exclusion
- validate length for string and enumerable types
- validate number
- validate string format/pattern
- validate custom function
- validate required(not nil) or not
- validate each array item

  product_schema = %{
    sku: [type: :string, required: true, length: [min: 6, max: 20]]
    name: [type: :string, required: true],
    quantity: [type: :integer, number: [min: 0]],
    type: [type: :string, in: ~w(physical digital)],
    expiration_date: [type: :naive_datetime, func: &my_validation_func/1],
    # dynamic required
    width: [type: :integer, required: fn value, data -> data.type == "physical" end],
    # validate each array item
    tags: [type: {:array, :string}, each: [length: [max: 50]]]

### Dynamic required
- Can accept function or `{module, function}` tuple
- Only support 2 arity function

def require_email?(value, data), do: is_nil(


    phone: :string
    name: [type: :string, required: fn value, data -> true end],
    email: [type: :string, required: {__MODULE__, :require_email?}]

### Validate array item
Support validate array item with `:each` option, `each` accept a list of validators

    values: [type: {:array, :number}, each: [number: [min: 20, max: 50]]]

## Transform data

### Field name alias

You can set alias name for schema fields
data = %{
   name: "tada"

schema = %{
    name: [type: :string, as: :full_name]

Skema.cast(data, schema)

# > %{full_name: "tada"}

### Convert data

You can specify a function similar to `cast_func` to manipulate data after casted.
However data object passed to transform function is original data before casting.

data = %{status: 10}

schema = %{
    name: [type: :string, into: fn value -> {:ok, "name: #{value}}" end]

Skema.cast(data, schema)
# > %{name: "name: tada"}


- Transform function can return tuple `{:ok, value}`, `{:error, message}` or value directly.

schema = %{
    value: [type: :integer, into: &to_string/1]

## Contributors
If you find a bug or want to improve something, please send a pull request. Thank you!