# Skogsrå
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> The _Skogsrå_ was a mythical creature of the forest that appears in the form
> of a small, beautiful woman with a seemingly friendly temperament. However,
> those who are enticed into following her into the forest are never seen
> again.
This library attempts to improve the use of OS environment variables for
application configuration:
* Automatic type casting of values.
* Variable defaults.
* Automatic documentation generation for variables.
* Runtime reloading.
* Setting variable's values at runtime.
* Fast cached values access by using `:persistent_term` as temporal storage.
* YAML configuration provider for Elixir releases.
## Small Example
You would create a settings module e.g:
defmodule MyApp.Settings do
use Skogsra
@envdoc "My hostname"
app_env :my_hostname, :myapp, :hostname,
default: "localhost"
Calling `MyApp.Settings.my_hostname()` will retrieve the value for the
hostname in the following order:
1. From the OS environment variable `$MYAPP_HOSTNAME`.
2. From the configuration file e.g:
config :myapp,
hostname: "my.custom.host"
3. From the default value if it exists (In this case, it would return
## Handling different environments
If it's necessary to keep several environments, it's possible to use a
`namespace` e.g:
Calling `MyApp.Settings.my_hostname(Test)` will retrieve the value for the
hostname in the following order:
1. From the OS environment variable `$TEST_MYAPP_HOSTNAME`.
2. From the configuration file e.g:
config :myapp, Test,
hostname: "my.custom.test.host"
3. From the OS environment variable `$MYAPP_HOSTNAME`.
4. From the configuraton file e.g:
config :myapp,
hostname: "my.custom.host"
5. From the default value if it exists.
## Required variables
It is possible to set a environment variable as required with the `required`
option e.g:
defmodule MyApp.Settings do
use Skogsra
@envdoc "My port"
app_env :my_port, :myapp, :port,
required: true
If the variable `$MYAPP_PORT` is undefined and the configuration is missing,
calling to `MyApp.Settings.my_port()` will return an error tuple. Calling
`$MyApp.Settings.my_port!()` (with the bang) will raise a runtime
## Automatic casting
If the default value is set, the variable value will be casted as the same type
of the default value. Otherwise, it is possible to set the type for the
variable with the option `type`. The available types are `:binary` (default),
`:integer`, `:float`, `:boolean` and `:atom`. Additionally, you can create a
`Skogsra.Type` e.g. a naive implementation for casting `"1, 2, 3, 4"` to
`[1, 2, 3, 4]` would be:
defmodule MyList do
use Skogsra.Type
def cast(value) when is_binary(value) do
list =
|> String.split(~r/,/)
|> Stream.map(&String.trim/1)
|> Enum.map(String.to_integer/1)
{:ok, list}
def cast(_) do
If then we define the following enviroment variable with `Skogsra`:
defmodule Settings do
use Skogsra
app_env :my_integers, :myapp, :my_integers, type: MyList
We can then set `$MYAPP_INTEGERS`'s value as `"1, 2, 3"` and it'll be casted
casted to `[1, 2, 3]` when we call `Settings.my_integers/1` function e.g:
iex> Settings.my_integers()
{:ok, [1, 2, 3]}
## Setting and reloading variables
It's possible to set a value for the variable at runtime with e.g.
Also, for debugging purposes is possible to reload variables at runtime with
e.g. `MyApp.Settings.reload_my_hostname()`.
## Using with _Hab_
[_Hab_](https://github.com/alexdesousa/hab) is an
[Oh My ZSH](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh) plugin for loading OS
environment variables automatically.
By default, _Hab_ will try to load `.envrc` file, but it's possible to have
several of those files for different purposes e.g:
- `.envrc.prod` for production OS variables.
- `.envrc.test` for testing OS variables.
- `.envrc` for development variables.
_Hab_ will load the development variables by default, but it can load the
other files using the command `load_hab <extension>` e.g. loading
`.envrc.prod` would be as follows:
~/my_project $ load_hab prod
[SUCCESS] Loaded hab [/home/user/my_project/.envrc.prod]
## YAML Config Provider
`Skogsra` includes a simple YAML configuration provider compatible with
`mix release` for Elixir ≥ 1.9.
The following is the supported configuration format:
# file: /etc/my_app/config.yml
- app: "my_app" # Name of the application.
namespace: "MyApp.Repo" # Optional namespace.
config: # Actual configuration.
- database: "my_app_db"
username: "postgres"
password: "postgres"
hostname: "localhost"
port: 5432
The previous configuration file would translate to:
config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
database: "my_App_db",
username: "postgres"
password: "postgres"
hostname: "localhost"
port: 5432
For using this config provider, just add the following to your release
config_providers: [{Skogsra.Provider.Yaml, ["/path/to/config/file.yml"]}]
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `skogsra` to your list of dependencies
in `mix.exs`.
- For Elixir ≥ 1.8 and Erlang ≥ 22
def deps do
[{:skogsra, "~> 2.0"}]
- For Elixir ≥ 1.9, Erlang ≥ 22 and YAML config provider support:
def deps do
{:skogsra, "~> 2.0"},
{:yamerl, "~> 0.7"}
## Author
Alexander de Sousa.
## License
_Skogsrå_ is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further