# Elixir-Slack
This is a work in progress Slack [Real Time Messaging API] client for Elixir.
You'll need a Slack API token which can be retrieved from the [Web API page] or
by creating a new [bot integration].
[Real time Messaging API]: https://api.slack.com/rtm
[Web API page]: https://api.slack.com/web
[bot integration]: https://my.slack.com/services/new/bot
## Usage
Add Slack to your `mix.exs` dependencies.
def deps do
[{:slack, git: "https://github.com/BlakeWilliams/Elixir-Slack"}]
Define a module that uses the Slack behaviour and defines the appropriate
callback methods.
defmodule SlackRtm do
use Slack
def start_link(initial_state) do
Slack.start_link(__MODULE__, "token_value", initial_state)
def init(initial_state, _socket) do
{:ok, initial_state}
def handle_message({:type, "message", response}, socket, state) do
state = state ++ [response.text]
message = "Received #{length(state)} messages so far!"
Slack.send(message, response.channel, socket)
{:ok, state}
def handle_message({:type, type, _response}, _socket, state) do
{:ok, state}
You can send messages to channels using `Slack.send`, which takes the message as
the first argument, the channel as the second, and the socket as the third.
`:websocket_client.send({:text, "Hello!"}, socket)`.
Slack has *a lot* of message types so it's a good idea to define a callback like
above where unhandled message types don't crash your application. You can find a
list of message types and examples on the [RTM API page].
[RTM API page]: https://api.slack.com/rtm