Slacker's an Elixir bot library for [Slack](
It has chat matching functionality built-in, but you can extend it to handle all kinds of [events](
### Chat
Slacker can match regex or literal strings, then execute a given function (module optional).
defmodule TARS do
use Slacker
use Slacker.Matcher
match ~r/Sense of humor\. New level setting: ([0-9]+)%/, :set_humor
match "Great idea. A massive, sarcastic robot.", [CueLight, :turn_on]
def set_humor(tars, msg, level) do
reply = "Sense of humor set to #{level}"
say tars, msg["channel"], reply
Slacker will call your function with the matching [message hash]( You can use `say/3` to respond, be sure to include the channel you want to talk to.
### Extending Slacker
Your robot is really just a `GenServer`, you can catch [RTM events]( from Slack and do whatever you like with them.
defmodule CASE do
use Slacker
def handle_cast({:handle_incoming, "presence_change", msg}, state) do
say self, msg["channel"], "You're the man who brought us the probe?"
{:noreply, state}
You can also use Slack's ["Web API"]( via the `Slacker.Web` module. All of the available RPC methods are downcased and underscored.
`users.getPresence` -> `Slacker.Web.users_get_presence("your_api_key", user: "U1234567890")`
### Bootin' it up
Add this to your deps:
def deps do
[{:websocket_client, github: "jeremyong/websocket_client"},
{:slacker, "~> 0.0.1"}]
Create a [bot user]( in the Slack GUI, and then pass your api token to your bot's `start_link/1`:
`{:ok, tars} = TARS.start_link("your_api_token")`
It's up to you to supervise your brand new baby bot.
You're going to need to invite your bot to a channel by `@`-mentioning them.
### Contributing
Gimme dem PR's.
Some of this stuff is a real pain in the ass to test, just do your best. :rocket:
- Keep a map of usernames to ids.
- Keep a map of channel names to ids.
- Private messaging support.
- RTM tests.
## License
See the LICENSE file. (MIT)