# SLOP for Phoenix
A Phoenix router extension that implements the [SLOP (Simple Language Open Protocol)](https://github.com/agnt-gg/slop) for AI service interactions.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `slop` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:slop, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/slop>.
## Usage
### In Your Phoenix Router
Add SLOP endpoints to your Phoenix router:
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
use Phoenix.Router
pipeline :api do
plug :accepts, ["json"]
scope "/api/slop", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through :api
use Slop, controllers: [
chat: MyAppWeb.SlopChatController,
tools: MyAppWeb.SlopToolsController,
info: MyAppWeb.SlopInfoController
### Creating Controllers
Create controllers that implement the SLOP endpoints:
defmodule MyAppWeb.SlopChatController do
use Slop.Controller, :chat
# Override the default implementation
def handle_chat(_conn, params) do
messages = params["messages"] || []
# Your AI integration code here
response = "Hello from SLOP!"
messages: messages,
response: response
defmodule MyAppWeb.SlopInfoController do
use Slop.Controller, :info
def get_info(_conn) do
name: "My SLOP Server",
version: "1.0.0",
endpoints: ["chat", "tools", "info"],
description: "A Phoenix implementation of the SLOP protocol",
models: ["gpt-3.5", "gpt-4", "claude-3"]
### Tools Controller Example
Create a tools controller to expose AI tools:
defmodule MyAppWeb.SlopToolsController do
use Slop.Controller, :tools
def list_tools(_conn) do
id: "weather",
name: "Weather Lookup",
description: "Look up the current weather for a location",
parameters: %{
type: "object",
required: ["location"],
properties: %{
location: %{
type: "string",
description: "The city and state or country"
id: "calculator",
name: "Calculator",
description: "Perform mathematical calculations",
parameters: %{
type: "object",
required: ["expression"],
properties: %{
expression: %{
type: "string",
description: "The mathematical expression to evaluate"
def execute_tool(_conn, params) do
# Identify which tool to run based on parameters
case params do
%{"tool_id" => "weather", "params" => %{"location" => location}} ->
# In a real implementation, you would call a weather API
id: "weather",
result: "The weather in #{location} is sunny and 72°F"
%{"tool_id" => "calculator", "params" => %{"expression" => expression}} ->
# In a real implementation, you would safely evaluate the expression
id: "calculator",
result: "The result is 42" # Just a placeholder
_ ->
%{error: "Invalid tool or parameters"}
def execute_specific_tool(_conn, tool_id, params) do
# Handle a specific tool by ID
case tool_id do
"weather" ->
location = params["params"]["location"]
id: "weather",
result: "The weather in #{location} is sunny and 72°F"
"calculator" ->
expression = params["params"]["expression"]
id: "calculator",
result: "The result is 42" # Just a placeholder
_ ->
%{error: "Unknown tool: #{tool_id}"}
## Endpoint Modules
All SLOP endpoints are optional. You only need to implement the ones your application requires.
| Endpoint | Controller Type | Description |
| `/chat` | `:chat` | Send messages to and receive responses from AI models |
| `/tools` | `:tools` | List available tools and execute them |
| `/memory` | `:memory` | Store and retrieve conversation history |
| `/resources` | `:resources` | Access knowledge, files, and other resources |
| `/pay` | `:pay` | Handle payment operations |
| `/info` | `:info` | Expose server metadata and capabilities |
## SLOP Protocol
For more details on the SLOP protocol, visit [https://github.com/agnt-gg/slop](https://github.com/agnt-gg/slop).
## License
MIT License