# Smallex

[Smallex]( is a Elixir small utilities. Here is an example:

iex> Dt.to_datetime( "2018/1" )
~N[2018-01-01 00:00:00]

iex> Dt.to_datetime( "2018/1/2 03:04:05" )
~N[2018-01-02 03:04:05]

iex> Dt.to_datetime( "2018-01-02 23:44:09" )
~N[2018-01-02 23:44:09]

iex> Dt.to_datetime( "Jan-02-18" )
~N[2018-01-02 00:00:00]

iex> Dt.to_datetime( "Jan-02-18 23:44:09" )
~N[2018-01-02 23:44:09]

iex> Dt.to_jst( "2018/1/2 10:23:45" )
"2018/01/02 19:23"

iex> Number.to_string( 123.456 )

iex> Number.to_string( 123.456, 1 )

iex> Number.to_string( 123.456 ) )

iex> Number.pad_zero( 123 )

iex> Number.percent( 100, 8 )

iex> Number.percent( 0, 8 )

iex> Number.percent( 100, 0 )

iex> Number.add_comma( 123456.78 )

iex> Number.add_comma( 1234567.890123 )

iex> Number.add_comma( 1234567.890123, -1 )

iex> Number.add_sign( 0 )

iex> Number.add_sign( 0.001, 3 )

iex> Number.add_sign( 0.09, 1 )

iex> Number.add_sign( -0.001, 3 )

iex> { :ok, "success" } |> Tpl.ok

iex> { :error, "error" } |> Tpl.error

iex> Lst.to_csv( [ 1, "ab", 8, true ] )
"1, ab, 8, true"

iex> Lst.frequency( [ "abc", "abc", "xyz", "abc", "def", "xyz" ] )
%{ "abc" => 3, "def" => 1, "xyz" => 2 }

iex> [ "a", "b", "c" ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
%{ "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3 }

iex> [ "a", "b", "c" ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], :atom )
%{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

iex> MapList.columns_rows( [ "c1", "c2", "c3" ], [ [ "v1", 2, true ], [ "v2", 5, false ] ] )
[ %{ "c1" => "v1", "c2" => 2, "c3" => true }, %{ "c1" => "v2", "c2" => 5, "c3" => false } ]

iex> MapList.columns_rows( [ "c1", "c2", "c3" ], [ [ "v1", 2, true ], [ "v2", 5, false ] ], :atom )
[ %{ c1: "v1", c2: 2, c3: true }, %{ c1: "v2", c2: 5, c3: false } ]

iex> MapList.first_columns_after_rows( [ [ "c1", "c2", "c3" ], [ "v1", 2, true ], [ "v2", 5, false ] ] )
[ %{ "c1" => "v1", "c2" => 2, "c3" => true }, %{ "c1" => "v2", "c2" => 5, "c3" => false } ]

iex> MapList.first_columns_after_rows( [ [ "c1", "c2", "c3" ], [ "v1", 2, true ], [ "v2", 5, false ] ], :atom )
[ %{ c1: "v1", c2: 2, c3: true }, %{ c1: "v2", c2: 5, c3: false } ]

iex> MapList.merge( [ %{ "a" => "key1", "b" => 12 }, %{ "a" => "key2", "b" => 22 } ], [ %{ "a" => "key1", "c" => 13 }, %{ "a" => "key3", "c" => 23 } ], "a", "no_match" )
[ %{ "a" => "key1", "b" => 12, "c" => 13 }, %{ "a" => "key2", "b" => 22, "c" => "no_match" } ]

iex> MapList.replace( [ %{ "a" => "key1", "b" => 12 }, %{ "a" => "key2", "b" => 22 } ], [ %{ "a" => "key1", "c" => 13 }, %{ "a" => "key3", "c" => 23 } ], "a" )
[ %{ "a" => "key1", "b" => 12, "c" => 13 }, %{ "a" => "key2", "b" => 22 } ]

iex> Json.get( "", "/rate_limit" )[ "rate" ][ "limit" ]

iex> "", "/post?param1=value1", "{ data1:value1 }" )[ "args" ]
%{"param1" => "value1"}

iex> "", "/post?param1=value1", "{ data1:value1 }" )[ "data" ]
"{ data1:value1 }"

See the [online documentation](

## Installation

Add to your ```mix.exs``` file:

def deps do
    { :smallex, "~> 0.1.8" }

## License
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license, see LICENSE.