# SmartTracer
A simple tracer with recording capabilities that would help you in a live debugging session.
## Installation
To use SmartTracer, update the `mix.exs` to include it on your dependencies.
def deps do
{:smart_tracer, "~> 0.2.0"}
Documentation can be viewed here: [https://hexdocs.pm/smart_tracer](https://hexdocs.pm/smart_tracer).
## Usage
When connected to a live remote console, issue the `trace/2` passing the function reference and rate limit.
### Tracing a global function
iex> SmartTracer.trace(&FakeModule.hello/1, 5)
iex> FakeModule.hello("Vince")
Elixir.SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule.hello/1 is being called with:
### Tracing a local function
iex> SmartTracer.trace(&FakeModule.get_name/1, 5, scope: :local)
iex> FakeModule.hello("Vince")
Elixir.SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule.get_name/1 is being called with:
### Tracing a function and getting it's return value (possible also for local tracing)
iex> SmartTracer.trace(&FakeModulne.hello/1, 5, return: true)
iex> FakeModule.hello("Vince")
Elixir.SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule.hello/1 is being called with:
Elixir.SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule.hello/1 returns:
"Hello, my name is NAME-Vince"
### Tracing a function and recording calls and returns
iex> SmartTracer.trace(&FakeModulne.hello/1, 5, return: true, record: true)
To playback all the recordings, use `playback/0`
iex> SmartTracer.playback()
args: ["Vince"],
arity: 1,
datetime: #DateTime<2020-02-01 18:13:04Z>,
function: :hello,
module: SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule,
type: :call
arity: 1,
datetime: #DateTime<2020-02-01 18:13:04Z>,
function: :hello,
module: SmartTracer.Support.FakeModule,
return_value: "Hello, my name is NAME-Vince",
type: :return